by Mary-Rousselière, Guy
Published 1967
Documentary Educational Resources (DER)
...Part 1: The time is early Autumn. The woman wakes and dresses the boy. He practices with his sling...

by Mary-Rousselière, Guy
Published 1967
Documentary Educational Resources (DER)
...Part 1: Full summer, and the tundra is bare; skin tents are up and it is time to attend...

by Mary-Rousselière, Guy
Published 1967
Documentary Educational Resources (DER)
...Part 1: Two Eskimo families travel across the wide sea ice. Before night falls they build small...

by Mary-Rousselière, Guy
Published 1967
Documentary Educational Resources (DER)
...Part 1: Late June, and much of the land is bare. There are sounds of running water, and melt ponds...

by Mary-Rousselière, Guy
Published 1967
Documentary Educational Resources (DER)
...Part 1: Now it is July - summer. The run-off is in full spate and open water shows offshore. Ice...

by Mary-Rousselière, Guy
Published 1967
Documentary Educational Resources (DER)
...Part 1: In late winter when the cold is severe, the people and dogs are glad to stop their trek...

by Mary-Rousselière, Guy
Published 1967
Documentary Educational Resources (DER)
...Part 1: The family is on the shore of Pelly Bay in May-June. A seal basks beside its hole under a...