Published 1993
International Monetary Fund
...This paper uses microeconomic panel data to examine differences in the cyclical variability...

Published 2006
International Monetary Fund
... Department take a close look at differences in IMF data; how and when they could occur; and what...

Published 1967
International Monetary Fund
... not necessarily disclose all the differences and inaccuracies that exist, nor does it clearly indicate generally...

Published 1989
International Monetary Fund
.... The effects of various government policies are emphasized, in particular the differences between expenditure...

Published 1987
International Monetary Fund
.... Despite basic differences in the countries’ structures, the programs were similar in their design...

Published 1985
International Monetary Fund
... the way in which differences in economic policy mix have affected domestic savings and investment...

Published 1976
International Monetary Fund
... related to differences in per capita income across countries. Other tests correlate time series of PPP...

Published 1981
International Monetary Fund
... suggest that the exchange rate may be affected by intervention if assets denominated in different...

Published 1984
International Monetary Fund
... no more sensitive to cross-country differences in rates of return on physical capital in the ten years...

Published 1979
International Monetary Fund
... the questions raised and employs Indian data to illustrate their use. While sustained differences in financial...

Published 1978
International Monetary Fund
... are largely owing to the differences in the lags of government expenditures and revenues. Two basic policy...

Published 1992
International Monetary Fund
.... The nonsocialized sector is perfectly competitive and produces an output that is different from...

Published 1988
International Monetary Fund
...A central proposition regarding effects of different mechanisms of fi-nancing public expenditures...

Published 1971
International Monetary Fund
... for different types of countries had to bring out different main features. In models for developing countries...

Published 2002
International Monetary Fund
... that the interest differential is, on average, equal to the ex post exchange rate change. UIP may work differently...

Published 1951
International Monetary Fund
... dollars among different uses and different users...

Published 1958
International Monetary Fund
... affected by inflation. Although the basic causes of inflation vary widely in different countries...

Published 1986
International Monetary Fund
... of the target zone approach but also confronts operational. Target zones differ from a pure system of clean...

Published 2010
International Monetary Fund
... at different speeds in the various regions (Table 1. and Figure 1). Following the deepest global downturn...

Published 2017
International Monetary Fund
... growth projections mask somewhat different contributions at the country level. U.S. growth projections...