Published 2017
International Monetary Fund
... on July 10, 2015. Guinea-Bissau obtained a primary disbursement (SDR 2.84 million, 10 percent of quota...

Published 2022
International Monetary Fund
...After two years of protracted political turmoil and delays in reforms, the authorities put in place...

Published 2021
International Monetary Fund
... Statistics (PSDS) visited the city of Praia, Republic of Cabo Verde, from July 22 to August 2, 2019...

Published 2021
International Monetary Fund
... spending. Growth is projected to slow to 2 percent in 2021, reflecting delays in the return of tourists...

Published 2019
International Monetary Fund
...”) was approved last December, with access of SDR 2,673 million (361 percent of quota). Lower international oil...

Published 2021
International Monetary Fund
.... An RCF disbursement of SDR 14.2 million (50 percent of quota) was approved in January to provide urgent...

Published 2018
International Monetary Fund
...; and (ii) National Development Plan for 2018–22 to address structural bottlenecks; and promote human...

Published 2020
International Monetary Fund
... of the shock on the Angolan economy, which is highly dependent on oil (95 percent of exports, two-thirds...

Published 2023
International Monetary Fund
... dos transportes. O novo Plano Estratégico para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável 2022-2026 (PEDS II...

Published 2015
International Monetary Fund
... by the PRSP II. This involves reforms to: • Strengthen domestic revenue mobilization, expenditure...