by Halley, Edmond
Published 1715
Engrav'd and sold by Iohn Senex at the Globe in Salisbury court near Fleetstreet

by Halley, Edmond
Published 1715
Sold by I. Senex, at the Globe in Salisbury court, near Fl-etstreet. Sold also by William Taylor at the Ship in Paternoster row

by Streete, Thomas
Published 1710
printed for R. Smith and S. Briscoe, and sold by J. Woodward, in St. Christopher's Church-Yard, Threadneedle-Street, and J. Morphew, near Stationers-Hall

by Halley, Edmond
Published 1701
printed. for Sam. Smith and Benj. Walford, printers to the Royal Society, at the Prince's Arms in St. Paul's church-yard

by Halley, Edmond
Published 1724
Engrav'd and sold by Iohn Senex at the Globe against St. Dunstans Church in Fleetstreet