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Published 1733
Printed for W. James in the Strand, and sold by the booksellers and pamphlet sellers in town and country

Published 1733
printed for W. James in the Strand, and sold by the booksellers and pamphlet-sellers in town and country

The lords protest on the motion to address His Majesty to settle 100,000 l. per annum on the Prince of Wales. To which is added, I. His Majesty's message to the Prince of Wales, by the Lord Chancellor, Lord President, Lord Steward, Lord Chamberlain, Dukes of Richmond, Argyle, Newcastle, Earls of Pembroke, Scarborough, and Lord Harrington. II. Speakers in the Debate of the House of Commons, on the above Motion. III. Sir J-B-'s Reasons for the Representatives of the People of Great Britain, to take Advantage of the Present Rate of Interest, for the more speedy Lessening the National Debt, and Taking off the most Burthensome of the Taxes. IV. Speakers in the Debate on the Bill for reducing the Reedeemable Funds to Three per Cent. V. An Act to disable Alexander Wilson, Esq; from taking, holding, or enjoying any Office or Place of Magistracy in the City of Edinburgh, or elsewhere, in Great Britain; and for imprisoning the said Alexander Wilson; and for abolishing the Guard kept up in the said City, commonly called The Town Guard; and for taking away the Gates of the Nether-Bow Port of the said City, and keeping open the same. VI. Questions Propos'd by the D-e of A-le, on which the Judges should deliver their Opinions, in relation to the said Act. Vii. A state of the national debt, provided or unprovided for by Parliament, as it stood December 31. 1735, and December 31. 1736. Together with an Account of the Produce of the Sinking...
Published 1737
printed by T. Tims, and sold by the booksellers of London and Westminster

Published 1733
London: printed, and Dublin, reprinted and sold by George Faulkner, in Essex-Street, opposite to the Bridge

Published 1733
Printed for W. James
Table of Contents: ..., together with the produce of the sinking fund...

Published 1733
Printed for W. James
Table of Contents: ..., together with the produce of the sinking fund...

Published 1797