Published 1796
printed and published for the proprietors, at the Knave of Clubs, in Club-Row, Bethnal-Green; Mr. Fiet's, the Queen's Head, Fleet-Street, Bethnal-Green; and at Mr. Stokes's, the Black Dog, Cock-Lane, Bethnal-Green

Published 1795
published for the proprietors, at the following houses of meeting; Mr. Fief's, the Queen's Head, Fleet-Street, Bethnal-Green; and at Mr. Stokes's, the Black Dog, Cock-Lane, Bethnal-Green

Published 1795
printed for the committee: and may be had at the check-lodge, or of J. Walker, secretary, No. 145, Aldersgate Bars

Published 1784
printed for, and sold by, Henry Myers, John Jessett, and William Williams, for the benefit of themselves and others, who were Subscribers for carrying on the Work