by Brook, Anne-Marie
Published 2005
OECD Publishing
...Les défis de la réduction du déficit de balance courante des États-Unis et conséquences pour les...

by Brook, Anne-Marie
Published 2004
OECD Publishing
...Des canaux permettant de réduire le déficit de la balance courante américaine et leurs implications...

by Brook, Anne-Marie
Published 2005
OECD Publishing
...The Challenges of Narrowing the US Current-Account Deficit and Implications for Other Economies...

by Brook, Anne-Marie
Published 2006
OECD Publishing
... account deficit is large, exchange rate movements have been volatile, and the recent increase in inflation...

by Brook, Anne-Marie
Published 2005
OECD Publishing
... of their government finances at the cost of short-term deterioration to their fiscal deficits. The example of Slovakia...