by Andrews, Dan
Published 2020
OECD Publishing
...This paper explores the effects of labour market conditions at graduation on an individual's work...

by Andrews, Dan
Published 2012
OECD Publishing
...This paper explores the growing importance of intangible assets as a potential source of innovation...

by Andrews, Dan
Published 2014
OECD Publishing
... countries over the period 2003-2010 to explore the extent to which changes in the patent stock...

by Adalet McGowan, Müge
Published 2017
OECD Publishing
...This paper extends earlier OECD work exploring the link between skills mismatch, productivity...

by Adalet McGowan, Müge
Published 2018
OECD Publishing
...This paper explores cross-country differences in the design of insolvency regimes, based...

by Andrews, Dan
Published 2017
OECD Publishing
...This paper explores the connection between "zombie" firms (firms that would typically exit in a...

by Adalet McGowan, Müge
Published 2017
OECD Publishing
...This paper explores cross-country differences in the design of insolvency regimes...

by Adalet McGowan, Müge
Published 2017
OECD Publishing
...This paper explores the link between the design of insolvency regimes across countries and laggard...

by Andrews, Dan
Published 2014
OECD Publishing
...This paper explores the role of managerial capital and business research and development (R&D...

by Andrews, Dan
Published 2011
OECD Publishing
... is also explored. JEL classification: R21, R31, G21, H24. Keywords: Housing markets, homeownership...

by Adalet McGowan, Müge
Published 2017
OECD Publishing
...This paper explores the extent to which "zombie" firms - defined as old firms that have persistent...

by Adalet McGowan, Müge
Published 2015
OECD Publishing
...This paper explores the relationship between skill mismatch and public policies using micro data...

by Andrews, Dan
Published 2018
OECD Publishing
... competition has led to a debate on the importance of globalisation for domestic inflation. This paper explores...

by Andrews, Dan
Published 2018
OECD Publishing
... to explore the drivers of digital adoption across two broad sets of digital technologies by firms, cloud...

by Andrews, Dan
Published 2011
OECD Publishing
... is also explored...

by Andrews, Dan
Published 2017
OECD Publishing
... exploits a retrospective panel of workers in 13 European countries over the period 1986-2008 to explore...

by Adalet McGowan, Müge
Published 2015
OECD Publishing
...This paper explores the link between skill and qualification mismatch and labour productivity using...