by Ahrend, Rudiger
Published 2004
OECD Publishing

by Ahrend, Rudiger
Published 2012
OECD Publishing
... to bias external financing towards debt, thereby increasing financial crisis risk. By contrast, more...

by Ahrend, Rudiger
Published 2012
OECD Publishing
...Using the 2008-09 global financial crisis, this paper examines the role of different forms...

by Ahrend, Rudiger
Published 2013
OECD Publishing
...The global crisis of 2008-09 went hand in hand with sharp fluctuations in capital flows. To some...

by Ahrend, Rudiger
Published 2009
OECD Publishing
... that turned out to be important in the context of the recent financial crisis, the indicators correlate well...

by Ahrend, Rudiger
Published 2004
OECD Publishing
... during the post-crisis period. Secondly, this has been true for all major sectors, with the exception...

by Ahrend, Rudiger
Published 2012
OECD Publishing
... crisis, highlighting substantial increases in financial vulnerability in countries that were subsequently...

by Ahrend, Rudiger
Published 2012
OECD Publishing
...The global financial crisis of 2007-09 and the ensuing sovereign debt crisis in Europe provide...

by Ahrend, Rudiger
Published 2012
OECD Publishing
... bias in external liabilities towards debt strongly increases the risk of a systemic banking crisis...

by Ahrend, Rudiger
Published 2012
OECD Publishing
.... For example, a bias in gross external liabilities towards debt has raised crisis risk. The same holds...

by Ahrend, Rudiger
Published 2013
OECD Publishing
... the wave of fiscal adjustments in the wake of the 2007-09 global financial crisis...

by Ahrend, Rudiger
Published 2011
OECD Publishing
.... In this framework a positive shock to credit spreads, as seen in the recent crisis, redistributes from capital...

by Ahrend, Rudiger
Published 2006
OECD Publishing
... "crisis" situation. After controlling for these factors, the paper finds strong econometric evidence...

by Ahrend, Rudiger
Published 2008
OECD Publishing
... the 1998 crisis, the importance of initial conditions has declined significantly, and is now basically...