Michel Bussi

Michel Bussi (; born ) is a French author, known for writing thriller novels, and a political analyst and Professor of Geography at the University of Rouen, where he leads a Public Scientific and Technical Research Establishment (, "UMR") in the French National Centre for Scientific Research (, "CNRS"), where he is a specialist in electoral geography.

According to the ''Le Figaro''/GfK list of bestsellers, Bussi was the second bestselling French author of 2018, selling 975,800 copies. He has appeared in the annual top 10 since 2013. Provided by Wikipedia

by Delwit, Pascal
Published 2014
Editions de l'Université de Bruxelles
Other Authors: ...Bussi, Michel...

by Delwit, Pascal
Published 2014
Éditions de l'Université de Bruxelles
Other Authors: ...Bussi, Michel...