Christoph Badelt

Christoph Badelt (born 26 February 1951) is the current director of the Austrian Institute of Economic Research and professor at the Vienna University of Economics and Business. He was the Vienna University of Economics and Business's vice-chancellor from March 2002 until September 2015.

He is an economist specializing in social policy. He has done notable work in the economics of nonprofit organizations.

In 1998, Badelt, among others, was commissioned by the Austrian Government to study the state of the family in Austria. He was elected Austrian ''Scientist of the Year'' in 1999. Provided by Wikipedia

by Meyer, Michael
Published 2022
Schäffer-Poeschel Verlag für Wirtschaft Steuern Recht GmbH
Other Authors: ...Badelt, Christoph...

by Simsa, Ruth
Published 2013
Schäffer-Poeschel Verlag für Wirtschaft Steuern Recht GmbH
Other Authors: ...Badelt, Christoph...