William Playfair

William Playfair (22 September 1759 – 11 February 1823), a Scottish engineer and political economist, served as a secret agent on behalf of Great Britain during its war with France. The founder of graphical methods of statistics, Playfair invented several types of diagrams: in 1786 the line, area and bar chart of economic data, and in 1801 the pie chart and circle graph, used to show part-whole relations. As a secret agent, Playfair reported on the French Revolution and organized a clandestine counterfeiting operation in 1793 to collapse the French currency. Provided by Wikipedia

by Playfair, William
Published 1792
Printed for J. Stockdale

by Playfair, William
Published 1793
Printed for J. Stockdale

by Playfair, William
Published 1787
Printed for J. Debrett, and G.G.J. and J. Robinson

by Playfair, William
Published 1790
De l'Imp. de L.M. Cellot

by Playfair, William
Published 1789
Chez Barrois l'aîné
Other Authors: ...Playfair, William...

by Playfair, William
Published 1787
Printed at the Logographic Press, for J. Murray