
Hunting is the human practice of seeking, pursuing, capturing, or killing wildlife or feral animals.}} The most common reasons for humans to hunt are to obtain the animal's body for meat and useful animal products (fur/hide, bone/tusks, horn/antler, etc.), for recreation/taxidermy (see trophy hunting), although it may also be done for non-exploitative reasons such as removing predators dangerous to humans or domestic animals (e.g. wolf hunting), to eliminate pests and nuisance animals that damage crops/livestock/poultry or spread diseases (see varminting), for trade/tourism (see safari), or for ecological conservation against overpopulation and invasive species.

Recreationally hunted species are generally referred to as the ''game'', and are usually mammals and birds. A person participating in a hunt is a hunter or (less commonly) huntsman; a natural area used for hunting is called a game reserve; and an experienced hunter who helps organise a hunt and/or manage the game reserve is known as a gamekeeper.

Hunting activities by humans arose in ''Homo erectus'' or earlier, in the order of millions of years ago. Hunting has become deeply embedded in various human cultures and was once an important part of rural economies—classified by economists as part of primary production alongside forestry, agriculture, and fishery. Modern regulations (see game law) distinguish lawful hunting activities from illegal poaching, which involves the unauthorised and unregulated killing, trapping, or capture of animals.

Apart from food provision, hunting can be a means of population control. Hunting advocates state that regulated hunting can be a necessary component of modern wildlife management, for example to help maintain a healthy proportion of animal populations within an environment's ecological carrying capacity when natural checks such as natural predators are absent or insufficient, or to provide funding for breeding programs and maintenance of natural reserves and conservation parks. However, excessive hunting has also heavily contributed to the endangerment, extirpation and extinction of many animals. Some animal rights and anti-hunting activists regard hunting as a cruel, perverse and unnecessary blood sport. Certain hunting practices, such as canned hunts and ludicrously paid/bribed trophy tours (especially to poor countries), are considered unethical and exploitative even by some hunters.

Marine mammals such as whales and pinnipeds are also targets of hunting, both recreationally and commercially, often with heated controversies regarding the morality, ethics and legality of such practices. The pursuit, harvesting or catch and release of fish and aquatic cephalopods and crustaceans is called fishing, which however is widely accepted and not commonly categorised as a form of hunting, even though it essentially is. It is also not considered hunting to pursue animals without intent to kill them, as in wildlife photography, birdwatching, or scientific-research activities which involve tranquilizing or tagging of animals, although green hunting is still called so. The practices of netting or trapping insects and other arthropods for trophy collection, or the foraging or gathering of plants and mushrooms, are also not regarded as hunting.

Skillful tracking and acquisition of an elusive target has caused the word ''hunt'' to be used in the vernacular as a metaphor for searching and obtaining something, as in "treasure hunting", "bargain hunting", "hunting for votes" and even "hunting down" corruption and waste. Provided by Wikipedia

by Hunter, Christopher
Published 1799
printed for G. Nicol, Pall-Mall; J. Sewell, Cornhill; Birdsall, Northampton; and Smart and Cowslade, Reading

by Hunter, Michael
Published 1992

by Hunter, Henry
Published 1783
printed for the author, by Ritchie and Sammells, No. 14, Albion-Buildings, Bartholomew-Close, and sold by J. Murray, No. 32, Fleet-Street; and James Dickson, Edinburgh

by Hunter, James
Published 1796
printed & sold by T. Pearson; sold also by R. Baldwin, & L.B. Seeley, Pater-Noster Row, London

by Hunter, John
Published 1798
printed for T. Cadell, junior, and W. Davies, in the Strand

by Hunter, Josiah
Published 1780
printed by Churnside & Wilson; and sold by Robert Inglis, and Peter Mair in Falkirk

by Hunter, William
Published 1764
printed for the author, by Joseph Smith, and sold by him in Graces's-Ally Wellclose-Square; Messieurs Wilson and Fell, Booksellers in Pater-Noster-Row; and Messieurs Mount and Page, Tower-Hill