John Banks

John Banks or Bankes may refer to:

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by Banks, John
Published 1728
printed by S. Powell, for T. Benson, at Shakespear's Head, in Castle-Street, and P. Crampton, at Addison's Head, opposite to the Horse-Guard in Dame's-Street

by Banks, John
Published 1727
printed for J. Darby in Bartholomew-Close, A. Bettesworth in Paternoster Row, and F. Clay without Temple-Bar; all in trust for Richard, James, and Bethel Wellington: and sold also by Ri. Caldwell in Newgate Street

by Banks, John
Published 1735
printed for W. Feales, at Rowe's Head, the Corner of Essex-Street in the Strand; A. Bettesworth, in Pater-Noster Row; F. Clay, at the Bible, R. Wellington, at the Dolphin and Crown, and C. Corbett, at Addison's Head, all without Temple-Bar; and J. Brindley, at the King's Arms in New Bond-Street

by Banks, John
Published 1753
printed for T. Longman, C. Hitch and L. Hawes, J. Hodges, C. Corbett; J. Brindley; and the rest of the proprietors

by Banks, John
Published 1734
printed for W. Feales, at Rowe's Head, the Corner of Essex street in the Strand, R. Wellington, at the Dolphin and Crown near Temple-bar; J. Wellington; and A. Bettesworth and F. Clay, in trust for B. Wellington

by Banks, John
Published 1780
printed for Harrison and Co. No 18, Paternoster-Row; and sold, likewise, by J. Wenman, Fleet-Street; and all other booksellers

by Banks, John
Published 1704
printed for Ric. Wellington, at the Dolphin and Crown, in St. Paul's Church Yard; and E. Rumbal in Covent-Garden

by Banks, John
Published 2013
Bloomsbury Academic