by Madge
Published 1777
Published 1777
printed for C. Parker, in Bond-Street; and to be had of Mr. Bew, in Paternoster-Row; of the booksellers at the west end of the town, Charing-Cross, Temple-Bar, and Royal-Exchange; at Bath, Oxford, and Cambridge
by Professor of Anatomy in London
Published 1784
Published 1784
printed for the author, and sold by P. Brett, No. 201, opposite St. Clement's Church, in the Strand
by Gerard, Alexander
Published 1774
Published 1774
printed for W. Strahan; T. Cadell in the Strand; and W. Creech at Edinburgh
Methods and Models in Artificial and Natural Computation. A Homage to Professor Mira's Scientific...
Published 2009
Table of Contents:
“... and Legate of Professor Mira -- Intelligent Patient Monitoring: From Hardware to Learnware -- A Look toward...”
Springer Berlin Heidelberg