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ambassadors » ambassador

Published 1762
printed for Robert Bell, Bookseller and Auctionier, at his Great Auction-Rooms, on Cork-Hill, opposite Lucas's Coffee-House

by Morrison, John
Published 1774
printed for T. Cadell in the Strand; J. Millan, Charingcross; and Richardson and Urquhart, Royal Exchange

Published 1770
printed by J. Dixwell, No. 148, St. Martin's Lane, Charing-Cross; and sold by all booksellers in town and country

by Terry, Edward
Published 1777
printed for W. Cater, No. 274, Holborn; S. Hayes, No. 92, Holborn; J. Wilkie, No. 71, St. Paul's Church-Yard; and E. Easton, at Salisbury

by Morrison, John
Published 1774
printed for T. Cadell in the Strand; J. Millan, Charingcross; and Richardson and Urquhart, Royal Exchange

by Ferrers, Joseph
Published 1793
printed by J. P. Coghlan, No. 37. Duke Street, Grosvenor Square: and sold by Messrs. J. Debrett, opposite Burlington House, Piccadilly; Booker, Bond Street; Keating; Warwick Street; Lewis, Russel-Street; Robinsons, Pater-Noster Row; Robins, Winchester; and Gregory, Brighton

by Temple, William
Published 1700
By Meindert Uitwerf en Engelbregt Boucquet
...Letters written by Sir William Temple, during his being ambassador at The Hague <niederländ.>...

Published 2020
OECD Publishing
...Foreign language teachers as ambassadors of multilingualism and international exchange: Evidence...