by Morden, Robert
Published 1708
Published 1708
Printed for John Nicholson at the King's-Arms, and John Sprint at the bell in Little-Britain; Andrew Bell at the Cross-keys and Bible in Cornhill, and Ralph Smith under the piazza of the Royal-Exchange
by Bowles, Carington
Published 1785
Published 1785
Printed for the proprietor Carington Bowles, at his Map and Print Warehouse, No. 69, in St. Paul's Church Yard
by Moll, Herman
Published 1747
Published 1747
Printed for, and sold by Tho. Bowles, print and map seller, near the Chapter-House in St. Paul's Church-Yard; and J. Bowles, print and map seller, at the Back-House, Cornhill. 1747. Where may be had, a set of thirty-six maps of the several Shires in Scotland. A set of twenty maps of the several Shires in Ireland. Atlas minor, or a set of sixty-two maps of all the known parts of the world. All by H. Moll, geographer
by Bowen, Emanuel
Published 1777
Published 1777
printed and sold by T. Bowles, in St. Paul's Church-Yard; John Bowles, at the Black Horse, in Cornhill, and Robert Sayer, at the Buck, in Fleet-Street