by Macky, John
Published 1724
printed for John Hooke, at the Flower de Luce, over against St. Dunstan's Church in Fleet-Street

by Bailey, William
Published 1784
printed by J. Andrews, Little Eastcheap; and to be had of the author, No. 53, Basinghall-Street; and of every bookseller in town and country

by Tunnicliff, William
Published 1789
printed and sold by R. Cruttwell; sold also by B. Law, Bookseller, and Messrs. Woodman and Co. engravers, London; S. Harward, Gloucester and Cheltenham; and J. Tymbs, Worcester
...Staffordshire (England) / Description and travel...

by Congreve, Thomas
Published 1717
printed for E. Curll in Fleet-Street
...Staffordshire (England) / Description and travel...

by Congreve, Thomas
Published 1717
printed for E. Curll in Fleet-Street
...Staffordshire (England) / Description and travel...

by Illingworth, James
Published 1750
reprinted, from the first edition in 1678; and sold by R. Griffiths, in St. Paul's Church-Yard; Mr Eddowes, bookseller in Salop; Mr. Parsons, bookseller in Newcastle, Staffordshire; and by all other booksellers in Great-Britain and Ireland

by Congreve, Thomas
Published 1753
sold by J. Shuckburgh, next Door to Richard's Coffee-House, in Fleet-Street
...Staffordshire (England)...

by Tunnicliff, William
Published 1791
printed for the author, by B.C. Collins, and sold by him; also by S. Crowder, Pater-Noster-Row, London; Messrs. Trueman and Son, Exeter; and all other booksellers
...Staffordshire (England) / Description and travel...

by Lincolnshire freeholder
Published 1786
printed by J. Mozley
...Trent, River (Staffordshire-North Lincolnshire, England) / Early works to 1800...

by Hogg, Alexander
Published 1794
Printed for Alex. Hogg, at the King's-Arms (No. 16) Paternoster-Row, and sold by all other booksellers and news-men

Published 1779
printed for T. Lowndes, in Fleet-Street
...Trent, River (Staffordshire-North Lincolnshire, England) / Navigation...

by Tunnicliff, William
Published 1787
printed and sold by E. Snelson: sold also by Mr. B. Law, Bookseller, and Messrs. Woodman & Co. Engravers, London; and by the Principal Booksellers in the above Counties (london)
...Staffordshire (England) / Description and travel...