by Stillingfleet, Edward
Published 1794
printed by G. Peacock, In Coney-Street: and sold by Rivington, Mathews, and Dilly, London ; Tesseyman and Todd, York ; Fletcher, Oxford ; Merrills, Cambridge ; and Pearson and Rollason, Birmingham

by Horbery, Matthew
Published 1774
at the Clarendon Press, MDCCLXXIV. Sold by Daniel Prince; and by John and Francis Rivington, and Thomas Cadell, in London

by Little, Robert
Published 1798
printed and sold by Chester & Mort, also by T. Chapman, 151, Fleet Street, and Heptinstall, Holborn, London. Fenley, Bristol--Belcher--and Grafton & Reddel, Birmingham, and at the Chapel at Whitchurch

by Jervis, William
Published 1722
Printed for Richard Southall bookseller in Stafford, and sold by Tho. Ward in the Inner-Temple-Lane

by Moss, Thomas
Published 1779
printed and sold by E. Berrow; and may be had of the author at Kings-Swinford; and the booksellers of Wolverhampton, Stourbridge and Dudley

by Wickes, John Wight
Published 1798
printed for J. Hatchard, No. 173, Piccadilly; F. & C. Rivington, St. Pauls Church Yard; R. Crutwell, Bath; and T. Pearson, Birmingham

by Hamersley, Richard
Published 1706
printed by Tho. Bunce, and sold at Coventry, Litchfield, Birmingham, Tamworth, and Robert Soden, barber at Banbury, as well as in London