by Montgaillard, Maurice
Published 1794
“...France / History / Reign of Terror, 1793-1794...”Published 1794
chez E. Harlow, Libraire de Sa Majeste, Pall Mall; de Boffe, Gerrard Street; Richardson, Royal Exchange; & Hookham & Carpenter, Bond Street. A La Haye, chez P. F. Gosse, Libraire de la Cour
by Montgaillard, Maurice
Published 1794
“...France / History / Reign of Terror, 1793-1794...”Published 1794
chez E. Harlow, Libraire de sa Majest?, Pall Mall; de Boffe, Gerrard Street; Richardson, Royal Exchange; et Hookham et Carpenter, Bond Street
by Tilly, Alexandre
Published 1795
“...France / History / Reign of Terror, 1793-1794...”Published 1795
imprimé pour Richard White; et se trouve chez tous les autres marchands des nouveautes litteraires
by Heron, Robert
Published 1794
“...France / History / Reign of Terror, 1793-1794...”Published 1794
printed for R. Morrison and Son, Perth; G. Mudie, and Manners and Miller, Edinburgh; Ja. Gillies, and Brash and Reid, Glasgow; J. Burnet, Aberdeen; and the other booksellers in town and country; and for Vernor and Hood, Birchin-Lane, London
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