by Davis, Ralph
Published 1705
printed for F. Thorn, near Fleet-Street
Subjects: ...Witchcraft / England / Northamptonshire / Early works to 1800...

Published 1775
printed and sold by S. Harword: sold also at his shops in Glocester and Cheltenham; where may be had all Sorts of New and Old Songs; Penny Histories, &c. Wholesale and Retale. Likewise, the True Original Daffy's Elixir, Bateman's Drops, Scotch Pills, and all other Medicines of established Reputation, that are advertised in the Weekly Papers

by Bridges, John
Published 1791
Sold by T. Payne, London; D. Prince and J. Cooke, Oxford; and Mr. Lacy, Northampton
...Northamptonshire (England)...

by Sly, Sally
Published 1783
[printed and sold by [blank]
Subjects: ...Wills / England / Northamptonshire / Early works to 1800...

by Pitt, William
Published 1809
Printed for R. Phillips
Subjects: ...Northamptonshire (England) / Economic conditions...

by Pitt, William
Published 1813
Printed for Sherwood, Neely, and Jones
Subjects: ...Northamptonshire (England) / Economic conditions...

Published 1705
Printed for Will. Hawkes and Tom Ponder, couriers

Published 1790
Sold at Sympson's Warehouse in Stonecutter Street, Fleet Market
Subjects: ...English poetry / England / Northamptonshire / 18th century...

Published 1838
Subjects: ...Northamptonshire Society for the Education of the Poor in the Principles of the Established Church...