by Occom, Samson
Published 1788
New Haven, Connecticut: printed 1788. London: reprinted, 1788, and sold by Buckland, Pater-Noster-Row; Dilly, Poultry; Otridge, Strand; J. Lepard, No. 91, Newgate-Street; T. Pitcher, No. 44, Barbican; Brown, on the Tolzey Bristol; Binns, at Leeds; and Woolmer, at Exeter
Subjects: ...Mohegan language...

by Edwards, Jonathan
Published 1788
New-Haven, printed by Josiah Meigs, 1778; London reprinted by W. Justins
Subjects: ...Mohegan language...

by Owaneko
Published 1704
printed for Daniel Brown at the Black Swan without Temple-Bar
Subjects: ...Owaneko / chief Sachem of the Mohegan Indians / Trials, litigation, etc / Early works to 1800...

by Occom, Samson
Published 1789
New Haven, Connecticut: printed 1788. London: reprinted, 1789, and sold by Buckland, Pater-Noster-Row; Dilly, Poultry; Otridge, Strand; J. Lepard, No. 91, Newgate-Street; T. Pitcher, No. 44, Baibican; Brown, on the Tolzey Bristol; Binns, at Leeds; and Woolmer, at Exeter
Subjects: ...Mohegan language...

Published 1770
Subjects: ...Mohegan Indians / Trials, litigation, etc...

by Grigg, John A.
Published 2009
Oxford University Press
Subjects: ...Mohegan Indians / Missions...

by Long, John
Published 1791
printed for the author; and sold by Robson, Bond-Street; Debrett, Piccadilly; T. and J. Egerton, Charing-Cross; White and Son, Fleet-Street; Sewell, Cornhill; Edwards, Pall-Mall; and Messrs. Taylors, Holborn, London; Fletcher, Oxford; and Bull, Bath

Published 2020
Duke University Press