Item Description:<P><STRONG>Introduction <BR></STRONG>Obtaining and Installing R <BR>Learning R <BR>Learning Numerical Methods <BR>Finding Help <BR>Augmenting R with Packages <BR>Learning More about R <BR><B>Calculating</B> <BR>Basic Operators and Functions <BR>Complex Numbers <BR>Numerical Display, Round-Off Error, . - and Rounding <BR>Assigning Variables <BR>Relational Operators <BR>Vectors <BR>Matrices <BR>Time and Date Calculations <BR><B>Graphing</B> <BR>Scatter Plots <BR>Function Plots <BR>Other Common Plots <BR>Customizing Plots <BR>Error Bars <BR>Superimposing Vectors in a Plot <BR>Modifying Axes <BR>Adding Text and Math Expressions <BR>Placing Several Plots in a Figure <BR>Two- and Three-Dimensional Plots <BR>The Plotrix Package <BR>Animation <BR>Additional Plotting Packages <BR><B>Programming and Functions</B> <BR>Conditional Execution: If and If Else <BR>Loops <BR>User-Defined Functions <BR>Debugging <BR>Built-in Mathematical Functions <BR>Special Functions of Mathematical Physics <BR>Polynomial Functions in Packages <BR>Case Studies <BR><B>Solving Systems Of Algebraic Equations</B> <BR>Finding the Zeroes of a Polynomial <BR>Finding the Zeroes of a Function <BR>Systems of Linear Equations: Matrix Solve <BR>Matrix Inverse <BR>Singular Matrix <BR>Overdetermined Systems and Generalized . - Inverse <BR>Sparse Matrices <BR>Matrix Decomposition <BR>Systems of Nonlinear Equations <BR>Case Studies <BR><B>Numerical Differentiation and Integration</B> <BR>Numerical Differentiation <BR>Numerical Integration <BR>Symbolic Manipulations in R <BR>Case Studies <BR><B>Optimization</B> <BR>One-Dimensional Optimization <BR>Multi-Dimensional Optimization with Optim() <BR>Other Optimization Packages <BR>Optimization with Constraints <BR>Global Optimization with Many Local Minima <BR>Linear and Quadratic Programming <BR>Mixed-Integer Linear Programming <BR>Case Study <BR><B>Ordinary Differential Equations <BR></B>Euler Method <BR>Improved Euler Method <BR>deSolve Package <BR>Matrix Exponent
Physical Description:359 pages 133 illustrations