Table of Contents:
  • Part A : Continuum thermomechanics. Continuum theories of fluids ; The Stokes-Kirchhoff gas, some of its peculiarities and some of its flows
  • Part B : Basic structures of the kinetic theory. The molecular density, the definitions of gross fields and the equation of evolution ; Some limits of agreement between kinetic theories and classical fluid mechanics ; The differential operators of the kinetic theory ; The dynamics of molecular encounters ; The Maxwell collisions operator
  • Kinetic constitutive relations
  • The total collisions operator and bilinear form ; Boltzmann's monotonicity theorem
  • The Maxwellian density
  • Analogues of the caloric and its flux
  • Part C : The Maxwell-Boltzmann equation and its elementary consequences. The Maxwell-Boltzmann equation
  • Maxwell's consistency theorem and equation of transfer ; Kinetic equilibrium and gross equilibrium
  • Locally Maxwellian solutions ; Boltzmann's H[italicized]-theorem
  • Epilogue
  • Part D : Particular molecular models and exact solutions for moments. The collisions operator for some special kinetic constitutive relations, especially Maxwellian molecules ; The pressures and the energy flux in a gas of Maxwellian molecules
  • Maxwell's relaxation theorem and evaluation of viscosity and thermal conductivity ; Homo-energetic simple shearing of a gas of Maxwellian molecules ; General solution for the pressures in homo-energetic affine flows of a gas of Maxwellian molecules
  • Part E : The system of equations for the moments. The general system of equations for the moments in a gas of Maxwellian molecules
  • Ikenberry's theorem on the structure of collisions integrals ; Grad's formal evaluation of collisions integrals, and his method of approximating the initial-value problem
  • Part F : Existence, uniqueness and qualitative behavior. Existence theory for the general initial-value problem
  • Part 1 : Molecules with intermolecular forces of infinite range ; Convergence theorems and the domain of the collisions operator ; Existence theory for the general initial-value problem
  • Part 2 : Place-dependent solutions for molecules with a cut-off ; Part 3 : Spatially homogeneous solutions for molecules with a cut-off
  • Part G : Grossly and momentally determined solutions and interative procedures of the kinetic theory. Hilbert's formal interative procedure for calculating gas-dynamic solutions
  • The assertion of gross causality
  • The Hilbert mapping ; Grossly determined solutions
  • The euqations of gross determinism ; The method of stretched fields for approximating grodd determiners
  • Use of it to obtain the results of Enskog's procedure ; The Maxwellian iteration of Ikenberry & Truesdell ; Convergence and divergence of atemporal Maxwellian iteration in flows for which an exact solution is known
  • Failure of the higher iterates to improve the asymptotic approximation
  • Includes bibliographical references (pages 569-577)