Table of Contents:
  • 3.3. RF generation
  • microwave tubes3.4. Beam-forming and target-detecting technologies with phased array; 3.5. RF rectifier
  • rectenna and tube type; Chapter 4: Applications of WPT; 4.1. Introduction; 4.2. Energy harvesting; 4.3. Sensor network; 4.4. Ubiquitous power source; 4.5. MPT in a pipe; 4.6. Microwave buildings; 4.7. 2D WPT; 4.8. Wireless charging for electric vehicles; 4.9. Point-to-point WPT; 4.10. WPT to moving/flying target; 4.11. Solar power satellite; Bibliography; Index
  • Includes bibliographical references and index
  • Title Page; Copyright Page; Introduction; Chapter 1: History, Present and Future of WPT; 1.1. Theoretical predictions and the first trial in the 19th Century; 1.2. Rejuvenated WPT by microwaves in the 1960s; 1.3. Inductive coupling WPT projects in the 20th Century; 1.4. WPT as a game-changing technology in the 21st Centur; Chapter 2: Theory of WPT; 2.1. Theoretical background; 2.2. Beam efficiency and coupling efficiency; 2.3. Beam forming; 2.4. Beam receiving; Chapter 3: Technologies of WPT; 3.1. Introduction; 3.2. Radio frequency (RF) generation
  • HPA using semiconductors