Table of Contents:
  • Using __all __ to Customize Imports
  • Relative Imports
  • The __import__() function
  • The importlib module
  • Taking It With You
  • Chapter 3: Functions
  • Arguments
  • Planning for Flexibility
  • Variable Positional Arguments
  • Variable Keyword Arguments
  • Combining Different Kinds of Arguments
  • Invoking Functions with Variable Arguments
  • Preloading Arguments
  • Introspection
  • Example: Identifying Argument Values
  • Example: A More Concise Version
  • Example: Validating Arguments
  • Decorators
  • Closures
  • Wrappers
  • Decorators with Arguments
  • Decorators with-or without-Arguments
  • Example: Memoization
  • Example: A Decorator to Create Decorators
  • Function Annotations
  • Example: Type Safety
  • Factoring Out the Boilerplate
  • Example: Type Coercion
  • Annotating with Decorators
  • Example: Type Safety as a Decorator
  • Generators
  • Lambdas
  • Introspection
  • Identifying Object Types
  • Modules and Packages
  • Docstrings
  • Taking It with You
  • Chapter 4: Classes
  • Inheritance
  • Multiple Inheritance
  • Method Resolution Order
  • Example: C3 Algorithm
  • Using super() to Pass Control to Other Classes
  • Introspection
  • How Classes Are Created
  • Creating Classes at Runtime
  • Metaclasses
  • Example: Plugin Framework
  • Controlling the Namespace
  • Attributes
  • Properties
  • Descriptors
  • Methods
  • Unbound Methods
  • Bound Methods
  • Class Methods
  • Static Methods
  • Assigning Functions to Classes and Instances
  • Magic Methods
  • Creating Instances
  • Example: Automatic Subclasses
  • Dealing with Attributes
  • String Representations
  • Taking It With You
  • Chapter 5: Common Protocols
  • Basic Operations
  • Mathematical Operations
  • Bitwise Operations
  • Variations
  • Numbers
  • Sign Operations
  • Comparison Operations
  • Iterables
  • Example: Repeatable Generators
  • Sequences
  • Mappings
  • Callables
  • Includes bibliographical references and index
  • Making Incompatible Changes
  • Copyright
  • Appendix F: Python 3000
  • Abstract
  • Naming
  • PEP Numbering
  • Timeline
  • Compatibility and Transition
  • Implementation Language
  • Meta-Contributions
  • Copyright
  • Appendix G: Python Language Moratorium
  • Abstract
  • Rationale
  • Details
  • Cannot Change
  • Case-by-Case Exemptions
  • Allowed to Change
  • Retroactive
  • Extensions
  • Copyright
  • Index
  • At a Glance
  • Contents
  • About the Authors
  • About the Technical Reviewer
  • Acknowledgments
  • Introduction
  • Chapter 1: Principles and Philosophy
  • The Zen of Python
  • Beautiful Is Better Than Ugly
  • Explicit Is Better Than Implicit
  • Simple Is Better Than Complex
  • Complex Is Better Than Complicated
  • Flat Is Better Than Nested
  • Sparse Is Better Than Dense
  • Readability Counts
  • Special Cases Aren't Special Enough to Break the Rules
  • Although Practicality Beats Purity
  • Errors Should Never Pass Silently
  • Unless Explicitly Silenced
  • In the Face of Ambiguity, Refuse the Temptation to Guess
  • There Should Be One-and Preferably Only One-Obvious Way to Do It
  • Although That Way May Not Be Obvious at First Unless You're Dutch
  • Now Is Better Than Never
  • Although Never Is Often Better Than Right Now
  • If the Implementation Is Hard to Explain, It's a Bad Idea
  • If the Implementation Is Easy to Explain, It May Be a Good Idea
  • Namespaces Are One Honking Great Idea-Let's Do More of Those!
  • Don't Repeat Yourself
  • Loose Coupling
  • The Samurai Principle
  • The Pareto Principle
  • The Robustness Principle
  • Backward Compatibility
  • The Road to Python 3.0
  • Taking It With You
  • Chapter 2: Advanced Basics
  • General Concepts
  • Iteration
  • Caching
  • Transparency
  • Control Flow
  • Catching Exceptions
  • Exception Chains
  • When Everything Goes Right
  • Proceeding Regardless of Exceptions
  • Optimizing Loops
  • The with Statement
  • Conditional Expressions
  • Iteration
  • Sequence Unpacking
  • List Comprehensions
  • Generator Expressions
  • Set Comprehensions
  • Dictionary Comprehensions
  • Chaining Iterables Together
  • Zipping Iterables Together
  • Collections
  • Sets
  • Named Tuples
  • Ordered Dictionaries
  • Dictionaries with Defaults
  • Importing Code
  • Fallback Imports
  • Importing from the Future
  • Introducing Declarative Programming
  • To Build or Not to Build?
  • Building the Framework
  • Managing Options
  • Defining Fields
  • Attaching a Field to a Class
  • Adding a Metaclass
  • Bringing It Together
  • Ordering Fields
  • DeclarativeMeta.__prepare__()
  • Column.__init__()
  • Column.__new__()
  • CounterMeta.__call__()
  • Choosing an Option
  • Building a Field Library
  • StringField
  • IntegerColumn
  • FloatColumn
  • DecimalColumn
  • DateColumn
  • Getting Back to CSV
  • Checking Arguments
  • Populating Values
  • The Reader
  • The Writer
  • Taking It With You
  • Appendix A: Style Guide for Python
  • Introduction
  • A Foolish Consistency Is the Hobgoblin of Little Minds
  • Code Layout
  • Indentation
  • Tabs or Spaces?
  • Maximum Line Length
  • Blank Lines
  • Encodings (PEP 263)
  • Imports
  • Whitespace in Expressions and Statements
  • Pet Peeves
  • Other Recommendations
  • Comments
  • Block Comments
  • Inline Comments
  • Documentation Strings
  • Version Bookkeeping
  • Naming Conventions
  • Descriptive: Naming Styles
  • Prescriptive: Naming Conventions
  • Names to Avoid
  • Package and Module Names
  • Class Names
  • Exception Names
  • Global Variable Names
  • Function Names
  • Function and Method Arguments
  • Method Names and Instance Variables
  • Constants
  • Designing for Inheritance
  • Programming Recommendations
  • Copyright
  • Appendix B: Voting Guidelines
  • Abstract
  • Rationale
  • Voting Scores
  • Copyright
  • Appendix C: The Zen of Python
  • Abstract
  • The Zen of Python
  • Easter Egg
  • Copyright
  • Appendix D: Docstring Conventions
  • Abstract
  • Rationale
  • Specification
  • What Is a Docstring?
  • One-Line Docstrings
  • Multiline Docstrings
  • Handling Docstring Indentation
  • Copyright
  • Acknowledgments
  • Appendix E: Backward Compatibility Policy
  • Abstract
  • Rationale
  • Backward Compatibility Rules
  • Context Managers
  • Taking It With You
  • Chapter 6: Object Management
  • Namespace Dictionary
  • Example: Borg Pattern
  • Example: Self-Caching Properties
  • Garbage Collection
  • Reference Counting
  • Cyclical References
  • Weak References
  • Pickling
  • Copying
  • Shallow Copies
  • Deep Copies
  • Taking It With You
  • Chapter 7: Strings
  • Bytes
  • Simple Conversion: chr() and ord()
  • Complex Conversion: The Struct Module
  • Text
  • Unicode
  • Encodings
  • Simple Substitution
  • Formatting
  • Looking Up Values Within Objects
  • Distinguishing Types of Strings
  • Standard Format Specification
  • Example: Plain Text Table of Contents
  • Custom Format Specification
  • Taking It With You
  • Chapter 8: Documentation
  • Proper Naming
  • Comments
  • Docstrings
  • Describe What the Function Does
  • Explain the Arguments
  • Don't Forget the Return Value
  • Include Any Expected Exceptions
  • Documentation Outside the Code
  • Installation and Configuration
  • Tutorials
  • Reference Documents
  • Documentation Utilities
  • Formatting
  • Links
  • Sphinx
  • Taking It With You
  • Chapter 9: Testing
  • Test-Driven Development
  • Doctests
  • Formatting Code
  • Representing Output
  • Integrating With Documentation
  • Running Tests
  • The unittest Module
  • Setting Up
  • Writing Tests
  • Other Comparisons
  • Testing Strings and Other Sequence Content
  • Testing Exceptions
  • Testing Identity
  • Tearing Down
  • Providing a Custom Test Class
  • Changing Test Behavior
  • Taking It With You
  • Chapter 10: Distribution
  • Licensing
  • GNU General Public License
  • Affero General Public License
  • GNU Lesser General Public License
  • Berkeley Software Distribution License
  • Other Licenses
  • Packaging
  • The sdist Command
  • Distribution
  • Taking It With You
  • Chapter 11: Sheets: A CSV Framework
  • Building a Declarative Framework