Table of Contents:
  • Title Page; Copyright Page; Dedication Page; Contents at a Glance; Table of Contents; About the Authors; About the Technical Reviewer; Foreword; Acknowledgments; Introducing PHP; Origins of PHP; What Is PHP?; High- Level Overview of This Book; Chapter 1: Object Orientation; Chapter 2: Exceptions and References; Chapter 3: PHP on the Run (Mobile PHP); Chapter 4: Social Media and PHP; Chapter 5: Cutting-Edge PHP; Chapter 6: Form Design and Management; Chapters 7 and 8: Database Interaction; Chapter 9: Oracle; Chapter 10: PHP Libraries; Chapter 11: Basic PHP Security
  • Mobile VarianceDetecting Devices; The User-Agent; Built-in PHP Support; Detecting Mobile Capabilities; WURFL; Introduction; Setup; Detecting Devices with WURFL; Detecting and Listing Device Capabilities with WURFL; Tera-WURFL; Setup; Detecting Devices with Tera-WURFL; Detecting and Listing Device Capabilities with Tera-WURFL; Device Image Output with Tera-WURFL; Rendering Tools; WALL; Image Resizing; Responsive CSS; Emulators and SDKs; Developing on an Android; Adobe Flash Builder for PHP; QR Codes; Summary; CHAPTER 4 Social Media; OAuth; Twitter; Public Search API; Private REST API.
  • First Things First: Getting a Twitter AccountAuthentication with My Access Token; Client Authentication with a Personal Identification Number (PIN); Step 1: Obtain a PIN; Step 2: Validating the PIN to Receive Access Tokens; Step 3: Authenticating with the Access Tokens to Use the Twitter API; Sample API Usage: Friend Statuses; Authenticating with a Callback; Using Twitter OAuth to Tie into Your Site Login; Using a Database to Store Multiple Users; Caching Data; More API Methods and Examples; Facebook; Adding a Link to Log Out of Facebook; Requesting Additional Permissions; Graph API.
  • Chapter 12: Team Development with Zend StudioChapter 13: Refactoring Unit Testing; Chapter 14: XML and PHP; Chapter 14: JSON / Ajax; Chapter 15: Conclusion; The Future of PHP; CHAPTER 1 Object Orientation]; Classes; Inheritance and Overloading; Miscellaneous "Magic" Methods; The __get and __set Methods; The __isset Method; The __call method; The __toString() method; Copying, Cloning, and Comparing Objects; Interfaces, Iterators, and Abstract Classes; Class Scope and Static Members; Summary; CHAPTER 2 Exceptions and References; Exceptions; References; Summary; CHAPTER 3 Mobile PHP.
  • Finding Albums and PhotosSummary; CHAPTER 5 Cutting Edge; Namespaces; Namespaces and Autoload; Namespaces Conclusion; Anonymous Functions (Closures); Nowdoc; Local goto Statements; Standard PHP Library; SPL Conclusion; Phar Extension; Summary; CHAPTER 6 Form Design and Management; Data Validation; Uploading Files / Images; Image Conversion and Thumbnails; Regular Expressions; Multi-Language Integration; Summary; CHAPTER 7 Database Integration I; Introduction to MongoDB; Querying MongoDB; Updating MongoDB; Aggregation in MongoDB; MongoDB Conclusion; Introduction to CouchDB; Using Futon