Summary: | "Facebook, Netflix, Airbnb, LinkedIn, and Uber. These are just a few of the leading companies who use Presto to query SQL on Hadoop at big data scale. This course provides an introduction to Presto. You'll learn about the concepts and architecture behind Presto, how to install and configure Presto for different requirements (single node, multi-node, with Yarn, without Yarn, etc.), and how to administer Presto, including tuning, performance, and diagnosis. It also covers how to use JDBC/ODBC drivers to connect applications and tools to Presto, how Presto security works, and how you can become active in the PrestoDB community. Course prerequisites include: A strong understanding of Hadoop (including HDFS, Hive, YARN, Ambari), Linux, AWS, and SQL. A basic understanding of Kerberos, LDAP, CPU/Memory/Disk tradeoffs, JDBC, ODBC, and Tableau, as well as light experience with Git, Java, Python, Maven, and Intellij."--Resource description page