Table of Contents:
  • Includes bibliographical references and index
  • Part I. The basics
  • 1. Working smarter, not harder
  • 2. Understanding knowledge
  • 3. Knowledge management systems life cycle
  • Part II. Knowledge creation and capture
  • 4. Knowledge creation and knowledge architecture
  • 5. Capturing tacit knowledge
  • 6. Other knowledge capture techniques
  • Part III. Knowledge codification and system implementation
  • 7. Knowledge codification
  • 8. System testing and deployment
  • 9. Knowledge transfer and knowledge sharing
  • 10. Knowledge transfer in the e-world
  • Part IV. KM system tools and portals
  • 11. Learning from data
  • 12. Data mining: Knowing the unknown
  • 13. Knowledge management tools and knowledge portals
  • Part V. Ethical, legal, and managerial issues
  • 14. Who owns knowledge?: Ethical and legal issues
  • 15. Managing knowledge workers
  • Epilogue: What more do we need to know?