Table of Contents:
  • Includes bibliographical references and index
  • 6.1 Definitions6.2 Recognition; 6.3 Measurement; 7 Examples with Solutions; IAS 1 Presentation of Financial Statements; 1 Introduction and Scope; 2 Going Concern; 3 Fair Presentation of the Financial Statements and Compliance with IFRSs; 4 General Principles Relating to Presentation; 4.1 Materiality and Aggregation; 4.2 Offsetting; 4.3 Frequency of Reporting; 4.4 Comparative Information; 4.5 Consistency of Presentation; 5 Components of the Financial Statements; 6 Structure and Content of the Components of the Financial Statements; 6.1 Statement of Financial Position (Balance Sheet)
  • 1 Introduction2 Preparation of the Statement of Cash Flows; 2.1 Operating Activities; 2.2 Investing and Financing Activities; 3 Special Topics; 3.1 Interest and Dividends; 3.2 Income Taxes; 4 Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows; 4.1 Introduction; 4.2 Acquisitions and Disposals of Subsidiaries; 4.3 Associates; 5 Examples with Solutions; IAS 8 Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates, and Errors; 1 Introduction; 2 Accounting Policies; 2.1 Selection and Application of Accounting Policies; 2.2 The Principle of Consistency; 2.3 When an Accounting Policy Has to be Changed
  • 4.6 Presentation and Disclosure
  • 6.2 Statement of Comprehensive Income and Separate Income Statement6.2.1 Profit or Loss, Other Comprehensive Income and How They Interrelate; 6.2.2 Preparation of the Statement(s); 6.3 Statement of Changes in Equity; 7 Examples with Solutions; 7.1 Examples that can be Solved Without the Knowledge of Other Chapters of the Book; 7.2 Examples that Require Knowledge of Other Sections of the Book; IAS 2 Inventories; 1 Scope; 2 Measurement; 2.1 Measurement at Recognition; 2.2 Measurement after Recognition; 3 Presentation and Derecognition; 4 Examples with Solutions; IAS 7 Statement of Cash Flows
  • 2.4 Consequences of a Change in Accounting Policy3 Changes in Accounting Estimates; 3.1 Introduction; 3.2 Accounting Treatment; 4 Correction of Prior Period Errors; 5 Examples with Solutions; IAS 10 Events after the Reporting Period; 1 Overview; 2 Examples with Solutions; IAS 11 Construction Contracts; 1 Introduction; 2 Contract Revenue; 3 Contract Costs; 4 Percentage of Completion Method; 4.1 Introduction; 4.2 Reliable Estimate of the Outcome of a Contract; 4.3 Determining the Stage of Completion; 4.4 Recognition of Expected Losses; 4.5 Uncertainties in Collectibility
  • WILEY : IFRS Essentials; CONTENTS; Preface; Abbreviations; The Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting; 1 Introduction; 2 The Objective of General Purpose Financial Reporting; 3 Going Concern; 4 Qualitative Characteristics of Useful Financial Information; 4.1 Introduction; 4.2 Fundamental Qualitative Characteristics; 4.2.1 Relevance; 4.2.2 Faithful Representation; 4.3 Enhancing Qualitative Characteristics; 4.3.1 Comparability; 4.3.2 Verifiability; 4.3.3 Timeliness; 4.3.4 Understandability; 5 The Cost Constraint on Useful Financial Reporting; 6 The Elements of Financial Statements