Summary: | The IBM z990 includes both standard cryptographic hardware and optional cryptographic features, to give flexibility and growth capability. IBM has a long history of providing hardware cryptographic solutions, from the development of Data Encryption Standard (DES) in the 1970's to delivering the only integrated cryptographic hardware in a server to achieve the US Government's highest FIPS 140-2 Level 4 rating for secure cryptographic hardware. This IBM Redbooks publication is designed to help you understand and implement the z/OS Cryptographic PCIXCC and PCICA cards. Although this book focuses on the enablement of the z/OS PCIXCC and PCICA products, cryptography and the available services on z/OS are also discussed and explained, with special attention given to the new Trusted Key Entry (TKE V4) workstation. This book also reviews the tools that are available on z/OS for monitoring of the z990 cryptographic hardware utilization plus the analysis of performance