Table of Contents:
  • Chapter 3. It's Alive: Rich Content AccessibilityThe Sound and the Fury: Audio and Video; Timed Tracks; Talk to Me: Media Overlays; Building an Overlay; Structural Considerations; Tell It Like It Is: Text-to-Speech (TTS); PLS Lexicons; SSML; CSS3 Speech; The Coded Word: Scripted Interactivity; A Little Help: WAI-ARIA; Custom Controls; Forms; Live Regions; A Blank Slate: Canvas; Chapter 4. Conclusion; EPUB 3 Best Practices Teaser; About the Book
  • Table of Contents; Preface; Conventions Used in This Book; Using Code Examples; Safari® Books Online; How to Contact Us; Acknowledgments; Chapter 1. Introduction; The Digital Famine; Accessibility and Usability; Chapter 2. Building a Better EPUB: Fundamental Accessibility; A Solid Foundation: Structure and Semantics; Data Integrity; Separation of Style; Semantic Inflection; Language; Logical Reading Order; Sections and Headings; Context Changes; Lists; Tables; Figures; Images; SVG; MathML; Footnotes; Page Numbering; Getting Around: Navigating an EPUB; The Untold Story: Metadata