Summary: | A caesarean section (C-section) is defined as the use of surgery to deliver an infant. The procedure involves an incision in the lower abdomen to expose the uterus and a second incision to the uterus to allow removal of the infant and placenta. C-section may be performed upon identification of problems that arise during or prior to labour that may put the health of the mother or fetus at risk. Although C-section is generally considered safe, the procedure is not without risks. Wound complications such as infection, hematoma, seroma, and dehiscence are included among the risks of C-section. Infection is considered a major potential complication of C-section. Interventions for the care of mothers undergoing C-section target the perinatal period. The focus of this report is the post-surgical period. The specific objectives of this report are to summarize the evidence regarding (1) the clinical effectiveness of removing or replacing surgical dressings at 48 hours following C-section versus other timeframes, (2) the clinical effectiveness of silver-hydrocolloid dressing versus other surgical dressing types applied after C-section, and (3) the evidence-based guidelines regarding post-operative care for surgical wounds following C-section