Summary: | This volume contains the papers prepared for the 2nd International Conference on Natural Language Processing, held 2-4 June in Patras, Greece. The conference program features invited talks and submitted papers, c- ering a wide range of NLP areas: text segmentation, morphological analysis, lexical knowledge acquisition and representation, grammar formalism and s- tacticparsing,discourse analysis,languagegeneration,man-machineinteraction, machine translation, word sense disambiguation, and information extraction. The program committee received 71 abstracts, of which unfortunately no more than 50% could be accepted. Every paper was reviewed by at least two reviewers. The fairness of the reviewing process is demonstrated by the broad spread of institutions and countries represented in the accepted papers. So many have contributed to the success of the conference. The primary credit, ofcourse, goes to theauthors andto the invitedspeakers. By theirpapers and their inspired talks they established the quality of the conference. Secondly, thanks should go to the referees and to the program committee members who did a thorough and conscientious job. It was not easy to select the papers to be presented. Last, but not least, my special thanks to the organizing committee for making this conference happen