Organizational learning and knowledge management [Research Reviews]

Rod Coombs and Richard Hull (1998), '"Knowledge Management Practices" and Path-Dependency in Innovation', Research Policy, 27, 237-53 -- Maryam Alavi and Dorothy E. Leidner (2001), 'Review: Knowledge Management and Knowledge Management Systems: Conceptual Foundations and Res...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Whalen, Peter S.
Other Authors: Holloway, Samuel, Starbuck, William H.
Format: eBook
Published: Cheltenham, Glos, UK Edward Elgar Pub 2008
Series:International library of critical writings on business and management
Online Access:
Collection: Edward Elgar eBook Archive - Collection details see MPG.ReNa
Summary:Rod Coombs and Richard Hull (1998), '"Knowledge Management Practices" and Path-Dependency in Innovation', Research Policy, 27, 237-53 -- Maryam Alavi and Dorothy E. Leidner (2001), 'Review: Knowledge Management and Knowledge Management Systems: Conceptual Foundations and Research Issues', MIS Quarterly, 25 (1), March, 107-36 -- Michael Earl (2001), 'Knowledge Management Strategies: Toward a Taxonomy', Journal of Management Information Systems, 18 (1), Summer, 215-33 -- Varun Grover and Thomas H. Davenport (2001), 'General Perspectives on Knowledge Management: Fostering a Research Agenda', Journal of Management Information Systems, 18 (1), Summer, 5-21 -- Andrew Hargadon and Angelo Fanelli (2002), 'Action and Possibility: Reconciling Dual Perspectives of Knowledge in Organizations', Organization Science, 13 (3), May-June, 290-302 --
Zi-Lin He and Poh-Kam Wong (2004), 'Exploration vs. Exploitation: An Empirical Test of the Ambidexterity Hypothesis', Organization Science, 15 (4), July-August, 481-94 -- Sim B. Sitkin (1992), 'Learning through Failure: The Strategy of Small Losses', in Barry M. Staw (ed) and L.L. Cummings (ed) (eds), Research in Organizational Behavior: An Annual Series of Analytical Essays and Critical Reviews. Volume 14, Greenwich, CT and London: JAI Press Inc., 231-66 -- Danny Miller (1993), 'The Architecture of Simplicity', Academy of Management Review, 18 (1), January, 116-38 -- William H. Starbuck (1996), 'Unlearning Ineffective or Obsolete Technologies', International Journal of Technology Management, 11 (7-8), Special Issue, 725-37 -- Jerker Denrell and James G. March (2001), 'Adaptation as Information Restriction: The Hot Stove Effect', Organization Science, 12 (5), September-October, 523-38 --
For this three-volume set the editors have selected many of the most influential articles published since 1984 on the topics of knowledge management and the improvement of organizational learning, developmental learning by individual organizations and the development of populations of organizations. Many of the articles in Volume I are trailblazers in the field of knowledge management; they discuss ways of fostering learning, managing knowledge and extracting economic benefits from knowledge. Volume II investigates how individual organizations learn: topics covered include cognitive versus behavioural learning, interpretation, incremental change and reorientation, and learning from success and failure. Volume III follows the development of the academic study of populations of organizations: it explores both behavioural and cognitive learning processes from the point of view of industries, geographic neighbourhoods and networks. New, authoritative introductions to each volume by the editors offer a comprehensive overview and informative discussion of the issues
Frédéric Leroy and Bernard Ramanantsoa (1997), 'The Cognitive and Behavioural Dimensions of Organizational Learning in a Merger: An Empirical Study', Journal of Management Studies, 34 (6), November, 871-94 -- Richard L. Daft and Karl E. Weick (1984), 'Toward a Model of Organizations as Interpretation Systems', Academy of Management Review, 9 (2), April, 284-95 -- Wesley M. Cohen and Daniel A. Levinthal (1990), 'Absorptive Capacity: A New Perspective on Learning and Innovation', Administrative Science Quarterly, 35 (1), Special Issue, March, 128-52
Jane E. Dutton and Janet M. Dukerich (1991), 'Keeping an Eye on the Mirror: Image and Identity in Organizational Adaptation', Academy of Management Journal, 34 (3), September, 517-54 -- James M. Sinkula (1994), 'Market Information Processing and Organizational Learning', Journal of Marketing, 58 (1), January, 35-45 -- Linda Argote and Dennis Epple (1990), 'Learning Curves in Manufacturing', Science, 247 (4945), 23 February, 920-4 -- James G. March (1991), 'Exploration and Exploitation in Organizational Learning', Organization Science, 2 (1), February, 71-87 -- Theresa K. Lant and Stephen J. Mezias (1992), 'An Organizational Learning Model of Convergence and Reorientation', Organization Science, 3 (1), Feburary, 47-71 -- Shona L. Brown and Kathleen M. Eisenhardt (1997), 'The Art of Continuous Change: Linking Complexity Theory and Time-Paced Evolution in Relentlessly Shifting Organizations', Administrative Science Quarterly, 42 (1), March, 1-34 --
Ravindranath Madhavan and Rajiv Grover (1998), 'From Embedded Knowledge to Embodied Knowledge: New Product Development as Knowledge Management', Journal of Marketing, 62 (4), October, 1-12 -- Pier Paolo Saviotti (1998), 'On the Dynamics of Appropriability, of Tacit and of Codified Knowledge', Research Policy, 26, 843-56 -- Heeseok Lee and Byounggu Choi (2003), 'Knowledge Management Enablers, Processes, and Organizational Performance: An Integrative View and Empirical Examination', Journal of Management Information Systems, 20 (1), Summer, 179-228 -- Irma Becerra-Fernandez and Rajiv Sabherwal (2001), 'Organizational Knowledge Management: A Contingency Perspective', Journal of Management Information Systems, 18 (1), Summer, 23-55 -- Andrew H. Gold, Arvind Malhotra and Albert H. Segars (2001), 'Knowledge Management: An Organizational Capabilities Perspective', Journal of Management Information Systems, 18 (1), Summer, 185-214 --
Peter J. Sher and Vivid C. Lee (2004), 'Information Technology as a Facilitator for Enhancing Dynamic Capabilities through Knowledge Management', Information and Management, 41 (8), November, 933-45 -- Hüseyin S. Tanriverdi (2005), 'Information Technology Relatedness, Knowledge Management Capability, and Performance of Multibusiness Firms', MIS Quarterly, 29 (2), June, 311-34 -- Mark Easterby-Smith, Mary Crossan and Davide Nicolini (2000), 'Organizational Learning: Debates Past, Present and Future', Journal of Management Studies, 37 (6), September, 783-96 -- Anders Örtenblad (2002), 'Organizational Learning: A Radical Perspective', International Journal of Management Reviews, 4 (1), March, 87-100 -- Mark Dodgson (1993), 'Organizational Learning: A Review of Some Literatures', Organization Studies, 14 (3), 375-94 -- William H. Starbuck (1992), 'Learning by Knowledge-Intensive Firms', Journal of Management Studies, 29 (6), November, 713-40 --
Eric W.K. Tsang (1997), 'Organizational Learning and the Learning Organization: A Dichotomy Between Descriptive and Prescriptive Research', Human Relations, 50 (1), January, 73-89 -- Linda Argote, Sara L. Beckman and Dennis Epple (1990), 'The Persistence and Transfer of Learning in Industrial Settings', Management Science, 36 (2), February, 140-54 -- Eric D. Darr, Linda Argote and Dennis Epple (1995), 'The Acquisition, Transfer, and Depreciation of Knowledge in Service Organizations: Productivity in Franchises', Management Science, 41 (11), November, 1750-62 -- Linda Argote and Paul Ingram (2000), 'Knowledge Transfer: A Basis for Competitive Advantage in Firms', Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 82 (1), May, 150-69 -- G.P. Huber (2001), 'Transfer of Knowledge in Knowledge Management Systems: Unexplored Issues and Suggested Studies', European Journal of Information Systems, 10 (2), June, 72-9 --
Philippe Baumard and William H. Starbuck (2005), 'Learning from Failures: Why It May Not Happen', Long Range Planning, 38, 281-98 -- Mark D. Cannon and Amy C. Edmondson (2005), 'Failing to Learn and Learning to Fail (Intelligently): How Great Organizations Put Failure to Work to Innovate and Improve', Long Range Planning, 38, 299-319 -- Glenn R. Carroll and Michael T. Hannan (1989), 'Density Dependence in the Evolution of Populations of Newspaper Organizations', American Sociological Review, 54 (4), August, 524-41 -- Joel A.C. Baum and Paul Ingram (1998), 'Survival-Enhancing Learning in the Manhattan Hotel Industry, 1898-1980', Management Science, 44 (7), July, 996-1016 --
Karl E. Weick and Karlene H. Roberts (1993), 'Collective Mind in Organizations: Heedful Interrelating on Flight Decks', Administrative Science Quarterly, 38 (3), September, 357-81 -- Ikujiro Nonaka (1994), 'A Dynamic Theory of Organizational Knowledge Creation', Organization Science, 5 (1), February, 14-37 -- Robert M. Grant (1996), 'Prospering in Dynamically-Competitive Environments: Organizational Capability as Knowledge Integration', Organization Science, 7 (4), July-August, 375-87 -- Mary M. Crossan, Henry W. Lane and Roderick E. White (1999), 'An Organizational Learning Framework: From Intuition to Institution', Academy of Management Review, 24 (3), July, 522-37 -- C. Marlene Fiol and Marjorie A. Lyles (1985), 'Organizational Learning', Academy of Management Review, 10 (4), October, 803-13 --
Paul Attewell (1992), 'Technology Diffusion and Organizational Learning: The Case of Business Computing', Organization Science, 3 (1), February, 1-19 -- Michael L. Tushman and Lori Rosenkopf (1992), 'Organizational Determinants of Technological Change: Toward a Sociology of Technological Evolution', in Barry M. Staw (ed) and L.L. Cummings (ed) (eds), Research in Organizational Behavior: An Annual Series of Analytical Essays and Critical Reviews. Volume 14, Greenwich, CT and London: JAI Press Inc., 311-47 -- Michael Carney and Eric Gedajlovic (2002), 'The Co-evolution of Institutional Environments and Organizational Strategies: The Rise of Family Business Groups in the ASEAN Region', Organization Studies, 23 (1), 1-29 -- Michael G. Jacobides (2005), 'Industry Change through Vertical Disintegration: How and Why Markets Emerged in Mortgage Banking', Academy of Management Journal, 48 (3), June, 465-98 --
Ray Hudson (1999), '"The Learning Economy, the Learning Firm and the Learning Region": A Sympathetic Critique of the Limits to Learning', European Urban and Regional Studies, 6 (1), 59-72 -- Clive Lawson and Edward Lorenz (1999), 'Collective Learning, Tacit Knowledge and Regional Innovative Capacity', Regional Studies, 33 (4), 305-17 -- Peter Maskell and Anders Malmberg (1999), 'Localised Learning and Industrial Competitiveness', Cambridge Journal of Economics, 23, 167-85 -- Jeremy R.L. Howells (2002), 'Tacit Knowledge, Innovation and Economic Geography', Urban Studies, 39 (5-6), 871-84 -- Klaus Uhlenbruck, Klaus E. Meyer and Michael A. Hitt (2003), 'Organizational Transformation in Transition Economies: Resource-Based and Organizational Learning Perspectives', Journal of Management Studies, 40 (2), March, 257-82 --
Päivi Oinas and Edward J. Malecki (2002), 'The Evolution of Technologies in Time and Space: From National and Regional to Spatial Innovation Systems', International Regional Science Review, 25 (1), January, 102-31 -- Ravi S. Achrol (1991), 'Evolution of the Marketing Organization: New Forms for Turbulent Environments', Journal of Marketing, 55 (4), October, 77-93 -- Jörg Sydow and Arnold Windeler (1998), 'Organizing and Evaluating Interfirm Networks: A Structurationist Perspective on Network Processes and Effectiveness', Organization Science, 9 (3), May-June, 265-84 -- Sidney G. Winter and Gabriel Szulanski (2001), 'Replication as Strategy', Organization Science, 12 (6), November-December, 730-43 -- Andrew Currah and Neil Wrigley (2004), 'Networks of Organizational Learning and Adaptation in Retail TNCs', Global Networks, 4 (1), 1-23 --
Anne S. Miner, Ji-Yub (Jay) Kim, Ingo W. Holzinger and Pamela Haunschild (1999), 'Fruits of Failure: Organizational Failure and Population-Level Learning', in Anne S. Miner (ed) and Philip Anderson (ed) (eds), Advances in Strategic Management: Population-Level Learning and Industry Change. Volume 16, Stamford, CT: JAI Press, Inc., 187-220 -- William P. Barnett and Olav Sorenson (2002), 'The Red Queen in Organizational Creation and Development', Industrial and Corporate Change, 11 (2), 289-325 -- Michael T. Hannan, Glenn R. Carroll, Elizabeth A. Dundon and John Charles Torres (1995), 'Organizational Evolution in a Multinational Context: Entries of Automobile Manufacturers in Belgium, Britain, France, Germany, and Italy', American Sociological Review, 60 (4), August, 509-28 -- Dieter Ernst and Linsu Kim (2002), 'Global Production Networks, Knowledge Diffusion, and Local Capability Formation', Research Policy, 31, 1417-29
Arvind Parkhe (1991), 'Interfirm Diversity, Organizational Learning, and Longevity in Global Strategic Alliances', Journal of International Business Studies, 22 (4), 579-601 -- Andrew C. Inkpen and Mary M. Crossan (1995), 'Believing is Seeing: Joint Ventures and Organization Learning', Journal of Management Studies, 32 (5), September, 595-618 -- Julia Porter Liebeskind, Amalya Lumerman Oliver, Lynne Zucker and Marilynn Brewer (1996), 'Social Networks, Learning, and Flexibility: Sourcing Scientific Knowledge in New Biotechnology Firms', Organization Science, 7 (4), July-August, 428-43 -- Bruce Kogut (2000), 'The Network as Knowledge: Generative Rules and the Emergence of Structure', Strategic Management Journal, 21, (3), 405-25 -- John Seely Brown and Paul Duguid (2001), 'Knowledge and Organization: A Social-Practice Perspective', Organization Science, 12 (2), March-April, 198-213
Recommended readings (Machine generated): Paul C. Nystrom and William H. Starbuck (1984), 'To Avoid Organizational Crises, Unlearn', Organizational Dynamics, 12 (4), Spring, 53-65 -- J.-C. Spender (1996), 'Organizational Knowledge, Learning and Memory: Three Concepts in Search of a Theory', Journal of Organizational Change Management, 9 (1), 63-78 -- James B. Thomas, Stephanie Watts Sussman and John C. Henderson (2001), 'Understanding "Strategic Learning": Linking Organizational Learning, Knowledge Management, and Sensemaking', Organization Science, 12 (3), May-June, 331-45 -- Michael E. McGill, John W. Slocum, Jr. and David Lei (1992), 'Management Practices in Learning Organizations', Organizational Dynamics, 21 (1), Summer, 5-17 -- Bernard L. Simonin (1997), 'The Importance of Collaborative Know-How: An Empirical Test of the Learning Organization', Academy of Management Journal, 40 (5), October, 1150-74 --
Ulrike Schultze and Dorothy E. Leidner (2002), 'Studying Knowledge Management in Information Systems Research: Discourses and Theoretical Assumptions', MIS Quarterly, 26 (3), September, 213-42 -- Andrew C. Inkpen and Adva Dinur (1998), 'Knowledge Management Processes and International Joint Ventures', Organization Science, 9 (4), July-August, 454-68 -- David W. De Long and Liam Fahey (2000), 'Diagnosing Cultural Barriers to Knowledge Management', Academy of Management Executive, 14 (4), November, 113-27 -- Molly McLure Wasko and Samer Faraj (2005), 'Why Should I Share? Examining Social Capital and Knowledge Contribution in Electronic Networks of Practice', MIS Quarterly, 29 (1), March, 35-57
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