Table of Contents:
  • 4.6 Proof of the Commutant Lifting Theorem
  • 4.7 Problems
  • 5 Harmonic Analysis in Euclidean Space
  • 5.1 Function Spaces on Rn
  • 5.2 The Fourier Transform on L1
  • 5.3 Convolution and Approximation
  • 5.4 The Fourier Transform: L2 Theory
  • 5.5 Fourier Transform of Measures
  • 5.6 Bochner’s Theorem
  • 5.7 Problems
  • 6 Distributions
  • 6.1 General Distributions
  • 6.2 Two Theorems on Distributions
  • 6.3 Schwartz Space
  • 6.4 Tempered Distributions
  • 6.5 Sobolev Spaces
  • 6.6 Problems
  • 7 Functions with Restricted Transforms
  • 7.1 General Definitions and the Sampling Formula
  • 7.2 The Paley-Wiener Theorem
  • 7.3 Sampling Band-Limited Functions
  • 7.4 Band-Limited Functions and Information
  • 7.5 Problems
  • 8 Phase Space
  • 8.1 The Uncertainty Principle
  • 8.2 The Ambiguity Function
  • 8.3 Phase Space and Orthonormal Bases
  • 8.4 The Zak Transform and the Wilson Basis
  • 8.5 AnApproximation Theorem
  • 8.6 Problems
  • 9 Wavelet Analysis
  • 9.1 Multiresolution Approximations
  • 9.2 Wavelet Bases
  • 9.3 Examples
  • 9.4 Compactly Supported Wavelets
  • 9.5 Compactly Supported Wavelets II
  • 9.6 Problems
  • A The Discrete Fourier Transform
  • B The Hermite Functions
  • 1 Periodic Functions
  • 1.1 The Characters
  • 1.2 Some Tools of the Trade
  • 1.3 Fourier Series: Lp Theory
  • 1.4 Fourier Series: L2 Theory
  • 1.5 Fourier Analysis of Measures
  • 1.6 Smoothness and Decay of Fourier Series
  • 1.7 Translation Invariant Operators
  • 1.8 Problems
  • 2 Hardy Spaces
  • 2.1 Hardy Spaces and Invariant Subspaces
  • 2.2 Boundary Values of Harmonic Functions
  • 2.3 Hardy Spaces and Analytic Functions
  • 2.4 The Structure of Inner Functions
  • 2.5 The H1 Case
  • 2.6 The Szegö-Kolmogorov Theorem
  • 2.7 Problems
  • 3 Prediction Theory
  • 3.1 Introduction to Stationary Random Processes
  • 3.2 Examples of Stationary Processes
  • 3.3 The Reproducing Kernel
  • 3.4 Spectral Estimation and Prediction
  • 3.5 Problems
  • 4 Discrete Systems and Control Theory
  • 4.1 Introduction to System Theory
  • 4.2 Translation Invariant Operators
  • 4.3 H?Control Theory
  • 4.4 The Nehari Problem
  • 4.5 Commutant Lifting and Interpolation