Item Description: | "Armine and Elvira. A legendary tale. In two parts."--30, [2] p., in verse, with separate title page. Also issued separately. Bookseller's advertisement, p. [31]. - "Search after happines" is by Hannah More; "Armine and Elvira" by Edmund Cartwright. - "Search after happiness: a pastoral drama. .. The fourth edition."--p. [iii]-62, in verse, with separate title page. Dedication to "Mrs. Gwatkin" (i.e., Mary Palmer) signed: Hannah More. - English Short Title Catalog, W31113. - Error in paging: p. x misnumbered ix. - Evans, 13449. - Frontispiece engraved by James Poupard. - Hildeburn, C.R. Pennsylvania, 3061. - Reproduction of original from Bodleian Library (Oxford) |