Summary: | Mechanosensing and Mechanochemical Transduction in Extracellular Matrix offers the reader recent information in addition to models of how mechanical information is transduced into genetic and biochemical changes at the cellular and tissue levels. Mechanosensing and Mechanochemical Transduction in Extracellular Matrix is intended to serve as a textbook at the graduate and advanced undergraduate level in a biomedical engineering curriculum. Topics covered include: Structure of Macromolecules That Make Up Tissue Structure Microscopic and Macroscopic Tissue Structures Methods For Analyzing Macromolecular Structure and Physical Properties Self-Assembly of Biological Macromolecules Involved In Mechanotransduction Mechanical Properties of Biological Macromolecules Viscoelastic Properties of Macromolecules and Tissues Models of Mechanical Properties of Tissues Mechanochemical Sensing and Transduction Mechanochemical Transduction and Its Role in Biology Mechanosensing and Mechanochemical Transduction in Extracellular Matrix is essential reading for biomedical engineers, biologists, physicians, health care professionals and other biomedical researchers who are interested in understanding how physical forces affect the biology, physiology and pathophysiology of humans. About the Author: Frederick H. Silver, Ph.D., is an expert on the effect of mechanical forces on extracellular matrix. He has been a faculty member in Biomedical Engineeering departments at Boston University, University of Minnesota and Rutgers University. He is currently Professor of Pathology and Laboratory medicine at UMDNJ-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School