by Brainerd, David
Published 1800
Other Authors:
“...Edwards, Jonathan...”Published 1800
printed at the Conference-Office , North-Green, Finsbury-Square : G. Story, agent Sold by G. Whitfield, New-Chapel, City-Road, and at the Methodist preaching-houses in town and country
by Occom, Samson
Published 1789
Other Authors:
“...Edwards, Jonathan...”Published 1789
New Haven, Connecticut: printed 1788. London: reprinted, 1789, and sold by Buckland, Pater-Noster-Row; Dilly, Poultry; Otridge, Strand; J. Lepard, No. 91, Newgate-Street; T. Pitcher, No. 44, Baibican; Brown, on the Tolzey Bristol; Binns, at Leeds; and Woolmer, at Exeter
by Brainerd, David
Published 1793
Other Authors:
“...Edwards, Jonathan...”Published 1793
printed by G. Paramore, North-Green, Worship-Street; and sold by G. Whitfield, at the Chapel, City-Road; and at the Methodist preaching-houses in town and country
by Hopkins, Samuel
Published 1799
Other Authors:
“...Edwards, Jonathan...”Published 1799
Printed for and by Alexander Jardine, back of Gavin Loch's Land, Forrester's Wynd
by Hopkins, Samuel
Published 1765
Other Authors:
“...Edwards, Jonathan...”Published 1765
Printed and sold by S. Kneeland, opposite to the Probate-Office in Queen-Street
by Hopkins, Samuel
Published 1785
Other Authors:
“...Edwards, Jonathan...”Published 1785
printed by David Niven; for James Duncan, jun. Bookseller, & Stationer, Saltmarket; and sold by him and John Brown, Bookseller in Dunce
by Russel, Robert
Published 1793
Other Authors:
“...Edwards, Jonathan...”Published 1793
London, printed: New-York: re-printed by Hugh Gaine, at the Bible, in Hanover-Square
by Williams, William
Published 1736
Other Authors:
“...Edwards, Jonathan...”Published 1736
Printed and sold by S. Kneeland and T. Green, over against the prison in Queenstreet