by Notcutt, William
Published 1726
printed for J. Clark and R. Hett, at the Bible and Crown in the Poultry near Cheapside
...Westminster Assembly (1643-1652)...

Published 1770
printed for a Society of Gentlemen, to be distributed amongst the poor. To be had of Thomas Field, the Corner of Pater-Noster Row, Cheapside
...Westminster Assembly (1643-1652)...

by Vincent, Thomas
Published 1716
printed by James Watson, One of His Majesty's Printers, and sold at his shop next Door to the Red-Lion opposite to the Luckenbooths
...Westminster Assembly (1643-1652)...

by Watts, Isaac
Published 1750
printed for T. Longman, Pater-Noster Row; J. Oswald, Poultry; J. Buckland, Pater-Noster Row; J. Waugh, Lombard Street; and J. Ward, Cornhill
...Westminster Assembly (1643-1652)...

by Some, David
Published 1792
printed for the Society for Propagating Religious Knowledge among the Poor
...Westminster Assembly (1643-1652)...

Published 1753
printed by John Robertson senior, and sold at his shop
...Westminster Assembly (1643-1652)...

Published 1732
printed by James Duncan, and are to be sold at his shop
...Westminster Assembly (1643-1652)...

Published 1777
printed by Gavin Alston. For W. Anderson, bookseller, Stirling
...Westminster Assembly (1643-1652)...

by Willison, John
Published 1754
printed by William Duncan, sen. and sold at his shop
...Westminster Assembly (1643-1652)...

Published 1723
Printed by William Brown and Company, and to be sold at his Shop in the Parliament close
...Westminster Assembly (1643-1652)...

Published 1714
By Hugh Brown printer in the University of Glasgow
...Westminster Assembly (1643-1652)...

Published 1744
printed by T. Lumisden and J. Robertson, and sold at their printing-house in the Fish-Market, and by Mrs. Brown in the Parliament closs
...Westminster Assembly (1643-1652)...

Published 1762
Re-printed by Fowle and Draper, and to be sold at their office opposite the Founder's-Arms, Marlborough-Street
...Westminster Assembly (1643-1652)...

Published 1773
Printed by Mills and Hicks, and sold at their printing-office, next to Cromwell's Head Tavern, in School-Street
...Westminster Assembly (1643-1652)...

Published 1799
Printed by T. & J. Swords, no. 99 Pearl-Street
...Westminster Assembly (1643-1652)...