by Vincent, Thomas
Published 1744
Printed by William Duncan, and are to be sold at his Shop in the Salt mercat, in Gibson's-Land
...Westminster Assembly (1643-1652)...

Published 1787
argraphwyd yn y flwyddyn
...Westminster Assembly (1643-1652)...

Published 1755
Argraphedig ym Mristo, gan E. Ffarley, yn y flwyddyn
...Westminster Assembly (1643-1652)...

Published 1728
printed by Thomas Lumisden and John Robertson, and sold at their printing-house in the Fish-Market, and at the shops of Mr. Andrew Martin, John Paton, Hugh Deans, and William Sands, in the Parliament-Closs
...Westminster Assembly (1643-1652)...

Published 1764
printed by John Robertson, and sold at his shop, Salt-Mercat
...Westminster Assembly (1643-1652)...

Published 1781
printed by Alexr. Robertson, and sold at his Printing-Office, Niddery's wind
...Westminster Assembly (1643-1652)...

Published 1798
printed by J. Robertson, No. 4. Horse Wynd, where may be had all the Catechisms used in Scotland, Hymns, Psalms, Proverbs, Children's Books, &c. &c
...Westminster Assembly (1643-1652)...

Published 1740
printed by John Robertson and Mrs M'lean, Book-Sellers in the middle of the Salt-Market
...Westminster Assembly (1643-1652)...

Published 1731
printed for William Brown, and sold at his Shop in the Parliament Closs
...Westminster Assembly (1643-1652)...

Published 1719
printed and sold by John Reid, at his Printing House in Pearson's Closs, North Side of the Street, opposite to the Cross, where are to be Sold several Sorts of Books, &c
...Westminster Assembly (1643-1652)...

Published 1709
printed and sold by John Moncur, at his Printing-House, at the Foot of the Bull Closs, on the North-Side of the Tron
...Westminster Assembly (1643-1652)...

Published 1754
printed by Thos. Lumisden and Company, and sold at their Printing-House in the Fish-Market
...Westminster Assembly (1643-1652)...

Published 1702
printed by John Reid Junior, and are to be Sold at his Printing House in Libertous Wynd
...Westminster Assembly (1643-1652)...

Published 1780
printed in the year
...Westminster Assembly (1643-1652)...

by Watts, Isaac
Published 1785
printed for J. Buckland, T. Longman, T. Field, and C. Dilly
...Westminster Assembly (1643-1652)...

by Vincent, Thomas
Published 1723
printed by William Brown and Company: and sold by the said William Brown, at his Shop in the Parliament-Close
...Westminster Assembly (1643-1652)...

by Vincent, Thomas
Published 1752
by John Bryce, and David Paterson. And sold at their printing-house, second Close above the Saltmercat-Well
...Westminster Assembly (1643-1652)...

by Brown, John
Published 1781
printed by William Smith. And sold at his shop, foot of the Saltmercat
...Westminster Assembly (1643-1652)...