Rudolf Erich Raspe

Rudolf Erich Raspe (March 1736 – 16 November 1794) was a German librarian, writer, and scientist, called by his biographer John Patrick Carswell a "rogue". He is best known for his collection of tall tales ''The Surprising Adventures of Baron Munchausen'', also known as ''Baron Munchausen's Narrative of his Marvellous Travels and Campaigns in Russia'', originally a satirical work with political aims. Provided by Wikipedia

by Raspe, Rudolf Erich
Published 1786
et se trouve à Paris, chez Royez, Libraire, Quai des Augustins

by Raspe, Rudolf Erich
Published 1791
printed for and sold by James Tassie, No. 20, Leicester-Fields; and J. Murray, bookseller, No. 32, Fleet-Street. C. Buckton, printer, Great Pulteney Street

by Tassie, James
Published 1791
imprimé pour J. Tassie, et se vend chez lui et chez J. Murray. C. Buckton, impremier
Other Authors: ...Raspe, Rudolf Erich...