Charles Carroll

Charles Carroll may refer to: *Charles Carroll the Settler (1661–1720), wealthy early Maryland planter and lawyer, father of Charles Carroll of Annapolis *Charles Carroll of Annapolis (1702–1782), wealthy Maryland Catholic planter, son of Carroll the Settler and father of Charles Carroll of Carrollton *Charles Carroll (barrister) (1723–1783), Continental Congressman from Maryland *Charles Carroll of Carrollton (1737–1832), signer of U.S. Declaration of Independence for Maryland and son of Charles Carroll of Annapolis *Charles H. Carroll (1794–1865), U.S. Congressman for New York *Charles Carroll (1865-1921), philanthropist member of New York Society during the Gilded Age *Charles J. Carroll (1882–1942), American lawyer and politician *Charles Carroll (British Army officer) (1923–1992), British soldier of the Brigade of Gurkhas, Second World War

*Chuck Carroll (1906–2003), American football player Provided by Wikipedia

by Carroll, Charles
University of Virginia Library

by Carroll, Charles T.
Published 2013
CRC Press, Taylor and Francis, an imprint of Productivity Press