Association for Logic Programming

The Association for Logic Programming (ALP) was founded in 1986. Its mission is "to contribute to the development of Logic Programming, relate it to other formal and also to humanistic sciences, and to promote its uses in academia and industry all over the world". It manages the International Conference on Logic Programming, oversees the journal ''Theory and Practice of Logic Programming'' (TPLP), and publishes an electronic newsletter.

The activities of the Association are directed by an Executive Committee and President, elected by ALP members. The current president is Thomas Eiter. Here is a list of all presidents: * 2020- Thomas Eiter at Vienna University of Technology * 2019-2020 Thomas Eiter ''pro term '' at Vienna University of Technology * 2014-2019 Torsten Schaub at the University of Potsdam * 2010-2014 Gopal Gupta at the University of Texas, Dallas * 2005-2009 Manuel Hermenegildo at the Technical University of Madrid * 2001-2004 Veronica Dahl at Simon Fraser University * 1997-2000 Krzysztof R. Apt at Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica in Amsterdam * 1993-1996 David Scott Warren at Stony Brook * 1989-1992 Herve' Gallaire at the European Computer-Industry Research Center in Munich * 1986-1988 Keith Clark at Imperial College London

In 1997, the ALP bestowed to fifteen recognized researchers in logic programming the title ''Founders of Logic Programming'' to recognize them as pioneers in the field. Provided by Wikipedia

by Sterling, Leon
Published 1995
...Association for Logic Programming...

by Lloyd, J. W.
Published 1995
MIT Press
...Association for Logic Programming...

by Małuszyński, J.
Published 1997
MIT Press
...Association for Logic Programming...