by Pollner, John D.
Published 2001
World Bank, Latin America and the Caribbean Region, Finance, Private Sector, and Infrastructure Sector Unit
...World Bank Latin America and the Caribbean Regional Office...

by Beckerman, Paul Ely
Published 2001
World Bank, Latin America and the Caribbean Region, Economic Policy Sector Unit
...World Bank Latin America and the Caribbean Regional Office...

by Fajnzylber, Pablo
Published 2001
World Bank, Latin America and the Caribbean Region, Poverty Reduction and Economic Management Sector Unit
...World Bank Latin America and the Caribbean Regional Office...

by Fajnzylber, Pablo
Published 2001
World Bank, Latin America and the Caribbean Region, Poverty Sector Unit
...World Bank Latin America and the Caribbean Regional Office...

by Ilahi, Nadeem
Published 2001
World Bank, Latin American and the Caribbean Region, Gender Sector Unit
...World Bank Latin America and the Caribbean Regional Office...

by Lápez-Acevedo, Gladys
Published 2002
World Bank, Latin America and the Caribbean Region, Poverty Reduction and Economic Management Sector Unit
...World Bank Latin America and the Caribbean Regional Office...

by Lápez-Acevedo, Gladys
Published 2002
World Bank, Latin America and the Caribbean Region, Poverty Reduction and Economic Management Sector Unit
...World Bank Latin America and the Caribbean Regional Office...

by Lápez-Acevedo, Gladys
Published 2002
World Bank, Latin America and the Caribbean Region, Poverty Reduction and Economic Management Sector Unit
...World Bank Latin America and the Caribbean Regional Office...

by Lápez-Acevedo, Gladys
Published 2002
World Bank, Latin America and the Caribbean Region, Poverty Reduction and Economic Management Sector Unit
...World Bank Latin America and the Caribbean Regional Office...

by Kaminsky, Graciela Laura
Published 1997
World Bank, Latin America and the Caribbean, Office of the Chief Economist
...World Bank Latin America and the Caribbean Regional Office...

by Aiyer, Sri-Ram
Published 1997
World Bank, Latin America and the Caribbean Region Technical Department
...World Bank Latin America and the Caribbean Regional Office...

by Michaely, Michael
Published 1996
Latin America and the Caribbean Regional Office, Office of the Chief Economist
...World Bank Latin America and the Caribbean Regional Office...

by Walker, Ian
Published 2000
World Bank, Latin America and the Caribbean Region, Finance, Private Sector, and Infrastructure Sector Unit
...World Bank Latin America and the Caribbean Regional Office...

by Shrader, Elizabeth
Published 2001
Gender Unit, Poverty Reduction and Economic Management, Latin America and Caribbean Region, World Bank
...World Bank Latin America and the Caribbean Regional Office...

by Martinez-Vazquez, Jorge
Published 2001
World Bank, Latin America and the Caribbean Region, Mexico-Anchor
...World Bank Latin America and the Caribbean Regional Office...

by Herrera, Santiago
Published 2001
World Bank, Latin America and the Caribbean Region, Office of the Chief Economist
...World Bank Latin America and the Caribbean Regional Office...

by Arias, Omar
Published 2000
World Bank, Latin America and the Caribbean Regional Office, Gender Sector Unit
...World Bank Latin America and the Caribbean Regional Office...

by Saavedra, Luz A.
Published 2001
World Bank, Latin America and the Caribbean Region, Gender Sector Unit
...World Bank Latin America and the Caribbean Regional Office...

by Cunningham, Wendy V.
Published 2001
World Bank, Latin American and the Caribbean Region, Gender Sector Unit
...World Bank Latin America and the Caribbean Regional Office...

by Cunningham, Wendy V.
Published 2001
World Bank, Latin American and the Caribbean Region, Gender Sector Unit
...World Bank Latin America and the Caribbean Regional Office...