by Warrington, W.
Published 1800
printed by C. Boult

by W. M
Published 1710
printed for J. Phillips, at the King's-Arms in St. Paul's Church-Yard; H. Rhodes at the Star, the corner of Bride-Lane in Fleet-Street; and J. Taylor, at the Ship in Pater-Noster-Row

by W. R
Published 1745
printed for J. Robinson, at the Golden Lion, in Ludgate-Street

by Ph. W
Published 1800

by Pepper, W.
Published 1798
Printed for and sold by Bee and Hurst, Pater-Noster-Row; and C. and T. Cheyne, Sweeting's-Alley, Corn-Hill

by Dukes, W.
Published 1795
Printed for the author, and sold by D.I. Eaton, No. 74, Newgate-Street; G. Dukes, Walcot, Bath; and by the booksellers in town and country

by Stubbs, W.
Published 1762
Printed by His Majesty's Law Printer, for J. Worrall, at the Dove, in Bell-Yard, near Lincoln's Inn

by Richards, W.
Published 1746
printed for T. Cadell, at the Bible and Crown, in Wine-Street; and sold by R. Hett; at the Bible and Crown, in the Poultry, London

by Leigh, W.
Published 1795
printed by R. Cruttwell, and sold by J. Robson, Bond-Street; F. and C. Rivington, St. Paul's Church-Yard; and Knight and Triphook, St. James's-Street, London; Drewry, Derby; and Mrs. Browne, Ashborne