Augustus Toplady

Augustus Montague Toplady (4 November 174011 August 1778) was an English Anglican cleric and hymn writer. He was a major Calvinist opponent of John Wesley. He is best remembered as the author of the hymn "Rock of Ages". Three of his other hymns – "A Debtor to Mercy Alone", "Deathless Principle, Arise" and "Object of My First Desire" – are still occasionally sung today. Provided by Wikipedia

by Toplady, Augustus
Published 1800
Printed by J. Barker, No. 19, Great Russell-Street, Covent-Garden, for W. Rowe, Great Marlborough Street, J. Mathews, Strand, and J. Parsons, Paternoster Row

by Toplady, Augustus
Published 1793
printed for W. Row, Great Marlborough-Street; J. Parsons, Pater-Noster-Row; J. Deighton, Holborn; Herbertt, Pall-Mall; Wilson and Co. York; Phorson, Berwick; Brown, Bristol; Penny, Exeter; Cooke, Oxford; Nicholson, Cambridge; and J. Barker, Russell-Court, Drury-Lane

by Toplady, Augustus
Published 1775
printed for M. Lewis, in Pater-Noster-Row; M. Gurney, Bell-Yard, Temple-Bar; and the booksellers at the Royal Exchange

by Toplady, Augustus
Published 1788
printed for J. Murgatroyd, No. 73, Chiswell-Street, Moorfields; and J. Matthews, No, 18, Strand

by Toplady, Augustus
Published 1778
printed for J. Matthews, No 18, in the Strand; J. Buckland, No 57, Paternoster-Row; and T. Vallance, No 120, Cheapside

by Toplady, Augustus
Published 1778
printed for J. Mathews, No 18, in the Strand; J. Buckland, No 57, Paternoster-Row; and T. Vallance, No 120, Cheapside; and G. Keith, Gracechurch-Street

by Toplady, Augustus
Published 1793
printed for W. Row, Great Marlborough-Street; J. Parsons, Pater-Noster-Row; J. Deighton, Holborn; Herbertt, Pall-Mall; Wilson and Co. York; Phorson, Berwick; Brown, Bristol; Penny, Exeter; Cooke, Oxford; Nicholson, Cambridge; and J. Barker [London], Russell-Court, Drury-Lane