Robert Goodloe Harper

Robert Goodloe Harper (January 1765January 14, 1825) was an American soldier and politician. He was a member of the United States Senate from Maryland, serving from January 1816 until his resignation in December of the same year. He also served in the South Carolina House of Representatives (1790–1795), the U.S. House of Representatives from South Carolina (1795–1801), and in the Maryland State Senate. He is best remembered for the phrase, "Millions for defense, but not one cent for tribute" in connection with the XYZ Affair. The town of Harper, Liberia, is named after him. Provided by Wikipedia

by Harper, Robert Goodloe
Published 1798
Philadelphia printed. London: reprinted, by direction of the editor, at the Philanthropic Reform, London-Road, St. George's Fields; and sold by Derrett and Wright, Piccadilly; Hooxham and Carpenter, Bond-street; Egerton, Whitehall; Kearsley, Fleet-street; Vernor and Hood, Poultry; Richardson, Royal-Exchange; and by all other booksellers, except John Stockdale, Piccadilly

by Harper, Robert Goodloe
Published 1797
Printed & sold by Thomas Bradford, book-seller & stationer, no. 8, South Front-Street

by Harper, Robert Goodloe
Published 1798
Philadelphia printed. London: reprinted, by direction of the editor, at the Philanthropic Press, London-Road, St. George's Fields; and sold by Stockdale, Debrett, and Wright, Piccadilly; Hookham and Carpenter, Old Bond-Street; Egerton, Whitehall; Kearsley, Fleet-Street; Vernor and Hood, Poultry; and Richardson, Royal-Exchange

by Harper, Robert Goodloe
Published 1798
Philadelphia printed. London: reprinted, by direction of the editor, at the Philanthropic Reform, London-Road, St. George's Fields; and sold by Debrett, Wright, and Hatchard, Piccadilly; Hookham and Carpenter, Bond-Street; Egerton, Whitehall; Kearsley, and Jordan, Fleet-Street; H.D. Symonds, Paternoster-Row; vernor and Hood, Poultry; Richardson, Royal-Exchange; and by all other booksellers, except John Stockdale, Piccadilly

by Harper, Robert Goodloe
Published 1797
Philadelphia printed. London: reprinted, by direction of the editor, at the Philanthropic Press, London-Road, St. George's Fields; and sold by Stockdale, Debrett, and Wright, Piccadilly; Hookham and Carpenter, Old Bond-Street; E[g]erton, Whitehall; Kearsley, Fleet-street; Vernor and Hood, Poultry; and Richardson, Royal-Exchange

by Harper, Robert Goodloe
Published 1800
Printed [by Samuel F. Bradford] at the office of "The true American

by Harper, Robert Goodloe
Published 1798
Philadelphia printed. London: reprinted, by direction of the editor, at the Philanthropic Reform, London-Road, St. George's Fields; and sold by Debrett, Wright, and Hatchard, Piccadilly; Hookham and Carpenter, Bond-Street; Egerton, Whitehall; Kearsley, and Jordan, Fleet-Street; H.D. Symonds, Paternoster-Row; Vernor and Hood, Poultry; Richardson, Royal-Exchange; and by all other booksellers, except John Stockdale, Piccadilly

by Harper, Robert Goodloe
Published 1798
De l'imprimerie de T. Baylis, Greville-Street, Holborn. Et se vend chez l'auteur, No. 41, Poland-Street, Soho; & chez Messrs. Dulau & Co. No. 107, Wardom-Street, Soho; Deboffe, Genard-Street, Soho; & L'Homme, No. 93, New Bond-Street