John Banks

John Banks or Bankes may refer to:

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by Banks, John
Published 1732
printed by S. Powell, for G. Risk at the Shakespear's Head, G. Ewing at the Angel and Bible, and W. Smith at the Hercules, Booksellers in Dame's-Street

by Banks, John
Published 1735
Printed for W. Feales, at Rowe's Head, the corner of Essex-street in the Strand; A. Bettesworth, in Pater-Noster Row; F. Clay, at the Bible, R. Wellington, at the Dolphin and Crown, and C. Corbets at Addison's Head, all without Temple-Bar; and J. Brindley, at the King's Arms in New Bond-street

by Banks, John
Published 1753
printed for T. Longman, C. Hitch and L. Hawes, J. Hodges, C. Corbett, J. Brindley, and the rest of the proprietors

by Banks, John
Published 1735
Printed for W. Feales, at Rowe's Head, the corner of Essex-Street in the Strand; A. Bettesworth, in Pater-noster Row; F. Clay, at the Bible, R. Wellington, at the Dolphin and Crown, and C. Corbett, at Addison's Head, all without Temple-Barr; and J. Brindley, at the King's Arms in New Bond-Street

by Banks, John
Published 1767
Printed for L. Hawes and Co. T. Longman, T. Lownds, T. Caslon, W. Nicoll, and A. and C. Corbett, at their State Lottery Office, No. 30, opposite St. Dunstan's-Church, Fleet-Street

by Banks, John
Published 1734
printed for W. Feales; R. Wellington; J. Wellington; and A. Bettesworth and F. Clay, in trust for B. Wellington

by Banks, John
Published 1704
Printed for R.Wellington, at the Dolphin and Crown, the west-end of St. Paul's Church-yard; and E. Rumball, at the Post-House in Great Russel-street, Covent-Garden

by Banks, John
Published 1769
printed for L. Hawes and Co. T. Longman, T. Lowndes, T. Caslon, C. Corbett, and W. Nicoll

by Banks, John
Published 1721
Printed for George Risk, bookseller, at the corner of Castle-Lane, near the Horse-Guard in Dames-street

by Banks, John
Published 1730
Printed by S. Powell, George Risk, at the Shakespear's-head in Dame's-street