by Adams, James
Published 1794
Published 1794
published & sold by R. White, No. 173, Piccadilly; T. Pote, Bookseller, Eaton College, & No. 2, Crane-Court, Fleet-Street, &c. &c. &c.; and by the author, No. 231, Piccadilly
by Adams, James
Published 1798
Published 1798
printed and published by the author, and sold by P. Keating, Mr. Booker, and by the author
by Adams, James
Published 1728
Published 1728
printed by Mr. James M'euen and Company, and sold at the said Mr. M'euen's shop, and by other booksellers
by Adams, James
Published 1799
Published 1799
printed for the author by J. Moir, Paterson's Court: and sold by Manners and Millar, Parliament Square, by E. Booker, No. 56. New Bond Street, London, & by the author, Montfort Court, No. 11. Cheapside
by Adams, James B.
Published 1791
Published 1791
printed for the editor, and may be had at the Chape[l] or at his house, Glass-House Street, St. James's
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